Hi! I’m Dan, the creator of this site, the Meaning Movement. I do most of the writing, with a little help now and then from a few friends.
You can read more about me here.
First and foremost, I want to say thanks for stopping by! It’s a treat to have you here.
What is the Meaning Movement about?
The Meaning Movement is a community of people pursuing deeper meaning in work. There are many ways we can talk about it: calling, vocation, passion, living the life you were meant to live, being your true self, etc. I use many of these words, but I’m less interested in the words we use and more interested in helping you dig into these meaningful places.
What the Meaning Movement is not about:
I won’t be writing about resumes, interview skills, or the latest and greatest money making opportunity. There’s nothing wrong with those things; I’m just not interested in them.
Who is this for?
This site is for anyone who fits any of the following descriptions:
- You are asking the question, “What should I do with my life?”
- You want a deeper connection to what you do.
- You feel stuck.
- You are afraid you’ve missed out on your true calling.
- You need to make a change but don’t know what.
- You want to be more creative.
- You want more adventure in life.
- You have lots of good ideas but don’t know what to do with them.
- You’re afraid of failure.
- You’re afraid of success.
- You want clarity about who you are and what you want in life.
Where to Start?
1) The Manifesto
The Meaning Manifesto is a short (10 minute) ebook that will get you started. It’s free to everyone who signs up for blog updates.
If you’re not ready to give the manifesto a read, here are some good posts to jump in with:
2) Blog posts
Raise You Hand for Roll Call – read through the comments and see what a few others are up to.
Best Books on Finding Purpose – a roundup of my favorite books on the topic.
Why You Haven’t Found the Silver Bullet – about living in the tension of work and meaning.
How Finding Your Passion Depends On Your Words – about the language we use about ourselves, our work, and feeling stuck.
Suffering For Your Passion – on the connection between pain and passion.
How NOT to Find Your Passion – about the problems with most self-help passion seeking articles.
3) Offerings
There are a handful of tools, products, experiences, and courses to help you on the Offerings page. These are things that I’ve created specifically to help you and others in the Meaning Movement Community.
3) Other Resources
I have a number of books, services, and products that I really enjoy on the resource page.
Blog Updates and A Free eBook
As a thank you gift, anyone who subscribes to the blog gets a free copy of my eBook The Meaning Manifesto: Six Foundational Truths for Work Worth Doing along with updates, early access to content, and a lot of gratitude.
If you have any hesitation, check out these 7 great reasons to subscribe.
Hit this button, and you’ll be on your way!