Q&A Webinar: Finding Purpose, Passion, and Work Worth Doing

webinar finding purpose

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I’ll do anything to connect with and help people that are passionate about life, work, and making something great (even if you don’t know what it is yet).

The more conversation I have, the more convinced I am that the key to finding your own way has to do with taking risks and having courageous conversations. I’m also becoming more and more convinced that the best way to help people is to listen to the questions that you’re asking.

I can talk, write, and create all I want, but if it doesn’t speak to the questions you’re asking, then I’m wasting both of our time.

With all of this in mind, I’m hosting a free Q&A Webinar: Finding Purpose, Passion, and Work Worth Doing on Thursday, Nov. 20th at 4PST/7EST.

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Q&A Webinar: Finding Purpose, Passion, and Work Worth Doing

Thursday, Nov. 20th at 4PST/7EST.
(it’s free)


What should you expect from this?
Me, others like you, and your questions. I’ll be answering questions related to making your own way, taking risks, blogging, eating vegetarian, having a dog with cancer, or just about anything else. If you have questions, you can submit them here.

Who this is for:
Anyone who has questions about bringing more alignment between what you do and who you are. Anyone who has questions about what to do next.

What this is and isn’t: This is not a “presentation”. This is a hands-on open-ended workshop. This is down and dirty, get to the real stuff conversation. Participants will engage in active discussions, share their experiences, and collaboratively explore challenges and solutions. Our focus will be on uncovering the nuances of meaningful work and its realities, rather than simply delivering information. This workshop is designed to foster connection and insight, ensuring every voice is heard in our journey towards understanding and embracing the complexities of our professional lives.

This is not a place to sit back and scroll facebook. This is a lean in and engage event.

All I know is that this won’t work without you. In fact it will be downright awkward! But it’s worth that risk.

Join in the fun and invite anyone who might be interested to come along.

Actually, let me say that differently: For the love of all the is good and hopeful in the world, if you know someone who needs to be a part of this, please share.

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Q&A Webinar: Finding Purpose, Passion, and Work Worth Doing

Thursday, Nov. 20th at 4PST/7EST.
(it’s free)


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  1. If you write something you have to answer all the question around it. its good to know you help people to work and making something great, now a day no one do it.

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