Career Reinvention with Benjamin Goodly

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Over the years of working with people through questions of work, meaning, and what’s next, I’ve worked with a few former dancers. Ballet dancers specifically.

If you pursue ballet at a high level — much like professional sports — you know that there’s a timeline. Your body can only sustain that level of athletics for so long. This is not to mention the all-in commitment required of your time, energy, and focus.

Whether injury, age, or burn-out, sooner or later you’re going to have to do something else, regardless of how much you may love it.

Ben Goodly has been through this transition himself and also helps other dancers find the next thing. He understands the challenges that come with leaving behind a familiar life and embracing new opportunities. As he guides others, he often poses the thought-provoking question, “is personality changeable over time? ” This inquiry invites dancers to reflect on their own growth and adaptability as they navigate their journeys beyond the stage. Through his support, many have discovered that transformation is not only possible but essential for their personal and professional evolution.

I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with Ben. Our conversation was fun, thoughtful, engaging, and left me wanting more.

Listen in here:

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In this episode you’ll learn:

  • What Benjamin does
  • What is Six Sigma
  • What his daily work life is like
  • How he transitioned careers
  • What are his ventures outside of his career
  • How he followed his interests to find a new career
  • His writing process
  • How he think about calling, purpose and meaning in his life and in his work
  • His encouragements for those in stuck places

Resources Mentioned:

Benjamin’s website

Benjamin’s Twitter

Benjamin’s Instagram

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