Using Film to Change the World with Lisa Russell

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Lisa Russell is a humanitarian filmmaker and UN/NGO Storyteller. In her words, her work “lies at the intersection of arts, social justice and global development.”

I love that, because I love intersections, particularly the intersections of such important things. I also love it because it’s so specific. Lisa isn’t making summer blockbuster entertainment films. She’s making films that tell the truth about people and issues in ways that other people are not.

Though she didn’t set out to be a filmmaker, she’s found a way to create a career in a genre that she is pioneering.

Lisa’s a creative force and was so much fun to speak with. We talk about everything from the importance of storytelling, to the dedication that it takes to make it as an artist. She shared her insights on how every artist has the power to shape their own journey, emphasizing the need to embrace both successes and failures along the way. “It’s vital to choose your own narrative path,” she said, reminding me that every decision contributes to our unique stories. Our conversation flowed effortlessly as we explored the transformative power of art and the endless possibilities that come from self-expression.

I hope you’ll enjoy this interview as much as I did.

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In this episode you’ll learn:

  • What Lisa does.
  • How she ended up in her career.
  • What experiences led her here.
  • What factors she uses to make transition decisions.
  • How she tested what she wanted to do.
  • What’s the importance of “Time” for her?
  • How she sees every experience she’s had as necessary for what she does today.
  • The transition from humanitarian based work to film making. 
  • What changes she is most proud of from working with the UN.
  • The sacrifices has she had to make for her work.
  • Her struggles working in the UN.
  • Her future goals.
  • Things that makes her working with the UN worthwhile and why she loves it.

Resources Mentioned:

Where to find Lisa Russell online:
Lisa’s Website
Lisa’s Twitter
Mentioned Film:
LOVE, LABOR, LOSS: A Short Documentary Film on Obstetric Fistula by Lisa Russell

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