The Moment It All Comes Together: A Reflection On Dream Year Pitch Night

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Creating something meaningful is hard work. There can be so much struggle. It takes persistence to try and try and then keep trying.

And after all of that work, every so often you get a chance to be a part of something so beautiful and moving that it feels surreal.

Every once in a while, as you chase after making a meaningful impact, you get to experience the moment it all comes together. All your work, all your hopes, all your risk and desire, all of the asks, all of the conversations, tweets, Facebook updates, and all the moments spent afraid that things won’t work (feeling that they can’t possibly work out)— all of that creates something deeply meaningful.

And it feels so very good.

Monday night for me was one of those night. The kind of night I’ll never forget.
20140804_PitchNight_Seattle_104A few days ago at Dream Year Pitch Night ten people stepped onto the platform and gave voice to their desires and dreams.

Ten people just like every person in that room.

And therein lies the magic.
it all comes together

When a person gives voice to her desire and ambition, the world makes way for her.[Tweet that]

As we step out and let ourselves be seen, others respond. When we see and hear the depth of another person’s desires and dreams, we are moved to help them be realized. This mutual exchange fosters a deeper connection, transforming initial conversations into a tapestry of support and shared aspirations. By embracing concepts like understanding perception with david mcraney, we can uncover the intricate layers of our interactions, enriching our empathy and guiding our actions as we work together towards a brighter future.

Even now conversations and connections are being made that weren’t possible before Monday night. There are projects, jobs, conversations, and opportunities being considered.

To see ten people just like ourselves take this risk compels us to dream bigger and dig deeper. It is as if the very walls of the room expanded to make room for the possibilities that these presenters inspired.


My work is to inspire people to dream big dreams, give voice to their desires, and then courageously pursue them. To see these people step onto that stage with a ready and engaged audience was a fulfillment of that dream for me.

I’m so grateful for it.

(Top image design by Lacy Clark Ellman, all other images by Dave Niffin)

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