Raise Your Hand for Roll Call

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I do my best to connect with everyone who subscribes to this blog. I typically send a quick welcome email, say thanks for being a part of this and invite a response. Sometimes people don’t write back, but I often do get responses and they’re so fun! You, brave readers, are some of the most interesting, personable, kind, and lovely people in the world! I’ve had the chance to get to connect people all over the world through this. Some just a few miles away, while others are on the absolute other side of the planet. It’s amazing! And I’m so grateful for it.

Yet, as I’m emailing with you and feeling so excited at this diverse group that has gathered around The Meaning Movement, I’m realizing that you don’t get the chance to experience that. You may have no idea who’s reading alongside you.

So it’s time for a roll call.

I want you to comment on this post and tell us a little bit about yourself. I’d like to hear your name (whatever name you enter is what will be displayed), where you live, and a sentence or two about yourself. You can tell us what you’re looking for, what you love to do, or anything else. My name is Alex, and I live in Portland, Oregon. I’m passionate about outdoor adventures, from hiking in the Cascade Mountains to cycling along the waterfront. I believe that everyone has the potential to achieve greatness, and I often encourage others to understand your personal power—embracing their strengths and passions to lead fulfilling lives. I’m here to connect with like-minded individuals who are on a journey of self-discovery and growth!

Feel free to link to your twitter, blog, or website if you’d like.

This is a bit of an experiment. If none of you comment, this won’t work.

It’s time to come out and play. Be courageous. We want to see you.

See you in the comments.

(Photo by Siebuhr, CC)

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  1. My name is Bill Swan and I live in Gainesville, GA. I had the privilege of living with Dan and Stacia for 2 years and it changed my life! I now work with the World Race where my goal is to help people develop healthy and authentic connections with God, themselves, each other, and the world. I love seeing people come alive and be who they were created to be. And I love Dan.

  2. Hi! My name is Lauree Fletcher. I live in Lynden, WA, but I’m originally from Atlanta, GA. I will be graduating from The Seattle School in less than a month – Oh, my! I long to bring healing in this world – one heart at a time – one community at a time – in conversation about what might change if we were more mindful about living with our hearts set on excellence, and our path guided by Wisdom.

    The website is only a splash page at the moment. I am journeying toward pursuing my passion full time once I graduate – simply by taking the steps that gets revealed one at a time.

    I love this idea, Dan. I hope you get lots of responses!!!

  3. I work at the grad school Dan graduated from in 2012. I mostly “listen” to this blog through soundgecko. I appreciate the thoughts on finding meaning and passion. I love learning, but I am finding I need to love doing just as much as learning. Thanks for sharing your passion and process with us.

  4. I’m Stacia and I live in Seattle. Actually, I’m married to Dan. And I agree with Bill… I love Dan. Seriously though. Dan believes in the things he is saying. He believes this world will be a better place when each of us is living fully into who we were designed to be.

  5. From southern Colorado, near the border of New Mexico, a hand is raised and a heart sigh whispered for the amazing wonder of Life in all its mystery. At 60, a nature walker, one who enjoys the simple wonders of life, I am learning that every thing is my teacher. Every thing and everyone are my gurus. Hello to all and blessings of joy!

  6. My name is Brian and I live in Seattle, WA. I believe in every individual having strenghts and faults, and the ability to improve no matter the age. Dan’s project helps provide people with the tools to uncover their individual paths, and for that, I am grateful.

  7. My name is Beasley. I live in lower queen anne, seattle, Washington.
    I am exploring and discovering the uniqueness I offer the world and sharing my journey through songwriting.

  8. Hey!
    I’m Jeff and I am a barista in Seattle! I have been privileged to be able to call a Dan a friend of mine for about for years. Keep your good words coming, buddy!

  9. Hello All!

    My name is Chris and I am a social entrepreneur from Michigan. In the midst of running a start-up and recently becoming a new father, I find that this blog continues to pull me into the present moment with relevant and insightful messages and challenges. Really great content, Dan! I firmly believe that what we do truly matters and platforms like this blog, and its community, continue to spur me on.


  10. I’m here because it’s a transition period for me which has lasted longer than I’d like. I wonder if fear plays a role. I live outside Denver in the mountains. I love to hike with my dog and be present to my surroundings up here. I am lacking deeper connection with others and a sense of calling at the moment.

  11. My name is Kelsey. I’m currently living in Phoenix, but will hopefully be moving to Seattle in August to begin grad school at The Seattle School. I found Dan’s blog through Divine happenstance and am on the precipice of a great adventure!

  12. I am currently living in Seattle and am in my first “real” job post graduation. I am beginning to realize what I went to school for and the career I have, don’t scratch the itch I have for life and relationship. Dan’s words have been life giving, thought provoking, and challenging. Thanks for your hard work and intentionality.

  13. I live in Southern California where I write music, create art, go running outside, and connect with people. I know Dan going back to when we and our brothers were wanna-be unruly teens. A lot of what Dan writes resonates with me, touching on things I think about or feel.

  14. I live in Seattle and am privileged to call Dan a good friend. He’s a wonderful person to know.

    He’s also helped me begin to wrestle with what my unique place in the world is. Sometimes that wrestling manifests itself in a few words that I post here from time to time.

  15. Hi! I’m Lacy and I’ve recently moved back to Seattle. I write about spirituality and intention in travels and daily life at http://asacredjourney.net and Dan’s work has helped me hone in on both my vocation and my voice. I’d probably be running away from my meaningful work without him (in fact, there have been many days that I’ve tried), and that’s why am glad to have The Meaning Movement to encourage me in this oh-so-difficult and oh-so-necessary journey of making meaning in the world.

    1. Thanks Lacy. Your words mean a lot to me and I love how you describe the process the “oh-so-difficult and oh-so-necessary journey of making meaning in the world.” Glad we’re in this together!

  16. My name is Phillip Johnson and I am a husband and father of five near the CA/OR border. I work construction full-time and work to share the gospel in my rural area and connect christians with needs in our communities and living out God’s kingdom. I love Jesus and his church, my bride and kids, and building/making creative things.

    1. I know Dan through a camp we worked at one summer and have really been encouraged to search out my God-given voice and not get stuck in just production-mode, both in work and spiritual life.

  17. Good morning. My name is Kim and I live in Central Florida. I stumbled upon the meaning movement about 4 months ago and enjoy reading Dan’s messages. I Love the outdoors, art and cooking.

  18. /raises hand.


    I am an Believer, and Hoper, a Father and Husband, a Writer and Reader, and a Doer and Layabout. You can check out my scribblings at http://justbarelymadeit.com but I enjoy Dan’s thoughts and have since I met him in school a few years back. I love to build and create things, and I also love to consume things, probably too much. I make wooden objects and fermented drink.

    Thanks Dan for this blog, it is a good thing.

  19. I’m Kari, a So Cal native who’s about to make a long-considered move to Woodinville, WA this week! It’s a little nerve-wracking to be moving away from everyone and everything I’ve ever known down here, but at the same time I’m loving the adventure and excited to see what’s down the road. So my life is completely in transition right now; I’ve got the next 3 months figured out work-wise, but beyond that I’m not completely sure what’s ahead. Or even what roads to pursue exactly. The past 7 years I’ve had the joy of teaching environmental education field trips/classes in OC, and now am trying to figure out how I can take all I’ve learned and apply it to some of my passions–youth, the outdoors, discovery, God. Ever since I stumbled onto the blog a few months back, Dan’s thoughts on work and calling have really been resonating with me as I’ve done lots of thinking and praying about it all. Excited to read more in the days ahead!

    Seems like there’s a LOT of Seattle people on here! If there’s ever a Meeting Movement Meetup (say that five times fast, ha!), I’m in! 🙂

    1. Thanks so much Kari! It sounds like there is a lot of risk, adventure, and unknown in your near future. Way to go for it! Also, as a born and raised OC kid who now lives in Seattle, I’m excited to have some more company up here!

      Though not exactly a Meaning Movement Meetup, I have an event in Seattle that I’m announcing on the blog today! Can’t wait to meet you in person 😉

  20. I’m here! I’m Lindy who resides in Seattle. Dan, I am a grateful receiver of your voice through blogs and when I’m lucky in real life face-to-face. I left the sports/entertainment business in Denver about 4 years ago to redirect my path towards working in bereavement/loss/grief work and somehow combine that with working with animals via pursing my masters in counseling… and have been trudging along ever since with some hopeful days and some major roadblocks. But day by day, I’m doing it. That’s what I appreciate about your continued blog posts, Dan. They aren’t a one time epiphany (though those may occur), but I receive them as a continued whisper to keep on believing, one day, one moment at a time. Grateful for your work, I know it’s not always easy… but I am one who can testify that I see and receive your vocation as a beautiful and you inspire me to be intentional about mine. As I’ve told you, your words make me mad at times, but that is how I know I can trust them. You are a brilliant combination of a storyteller and a truth teller. Thank-you!

    1. Hi Lindy! Somehow you snuck in here and I didn’t respond! Better late than never. SO glad you’re here. So glad you’re doing the work you’re doing. Thanks for being a part of this adventure!

  21. I live in Seattle and have had the pleasure of getting to know Dan and Stacia over the past 3 years. I am continually inspired by this blog — it brings me into the present, helps me create space to consider my dreams, hopes and struggles. I am also inspired by the way you (Dan) and Stacia live your lives. You live creatively, bring people together, and aren’t afraid to step outside of the box. The Meaning Manifesto has inspired me to consider my work differently as a nurse practitioner. I love my vocation and yet I don’t often allow myself to rest in that place of enjoyment or invite others in to that part of my story. Thanks for sharing with us Dan!

  22. I love encouraging the voice and possibility of women who may be seen as disadvantaged- by geography, economics, abuse, class, etc. Whatever it may be, I yearn for healing and reconciliation of their story, and I want them to be open to the various ways that can happen.
    I want freedom of voice, desire, hope, and faith.

  23. Hi, my name is Dean and I play with fire. I was born with a fireball in my chest and I’ve been dealing with it ever since…sometimes I can mold my fire into lovely things and sometimes really ugly….
    There have been points in my life when the fire threatened to go out and leave me cold and bored. Still other times it’s burned out of control and threatened to burn down the forest.
    Being a part of The Meaning Movement is one of the tools I’m honored to use in harnessing my fire. Dan, you give me fuel to keep my flame burning and the space to keep it focused and in my control.
    I love what you’ve done, do, and will do with this created community and so appreciate you.

  24. Here! My name is Paige and I live in the great city of Seattle. I had the pleasure of meeting Dan through some very dear friends and instantly knew he was one of “those ones” that was really doing it – following his heart and living authentically. I’ve been encouraged by this blog as I struggle through my own search of stepping into myself, my story, and the wild path I’m being taken on. Dan, thanks for using your voice and talents to open up the eyes of others. You are a gift!

    1. Hi Paige! Thanks so much for commenting. It’s so good to have you here. I’m grateful to have myself, this blog, and this community as a part of your process. I’m excited to see where this wild path takes you 🙂

  25. Hi,
    In response to Dan’s email:
    I am Ruth Walther. I live in Seattle. My work is about helping teams work together effectively on large projects.
    But … as far as the Meaning Movement is concerned… the way I am creating meaning over the next six months is by reaching out to new people. I am inviting over the new neighbors, mentoring a young woman who is just starting her business, going out of my way to be kind to another (smart, thoughtful) stranger that opened her heart to me. I’d love to create a greater community- I’d be thrilled to invite this group together for cooking and eating in my kitchen. That feels like it has meaning. Not just sticking with the people I know- but extending myself a little.
    I see that the Meaning Movement is about making your work have meaning. I am fortunate there. I love my work and enjoy helping teams be productive and empowered. I really believe that the quality of my life is all about the people and relationships in it.

  26. Hi, Dan, My name is Geri and at 63 yrs. old I have lived long enough to know that life can through you some curveballs along the way. Everyone seems to talk about having a purpose in life and that is what you need. But what if your life suddenly changes drastically and you are bedridden most of the time due to illness? How do you come up with a purpose then? I had to do just that. I really struggled with this. I found comfort in the Psalms and inspiration in a little book I have given to many friends going through rough times. It is called Footprints: Scripture with Reflections Inspired by the Best-Loved Poem by Margaret Fishback Powers. I could not read or watch tv but I could pray so I determined that my purpose at this particular time was to pray–not for myself, but for others in need of prayers. It made me feel like I was helping others and that made me feel like I had a purpose and some meaning in my life. I did get better, but I still have flares of extreme fatigue in which I can barely get out of bed for days. I don’t watch tv or read as that is too much effort, but it is never too much effort to pray and that is what I do. Thank you for your movement. I enjoy your posts.

  27. My name is Carol from Nairobi, Kenya. I knew of your blog when your article “Permission To Thrive In Your 20s” was featured in All Groan Up.
    I am a Tour/Travel Consultant, going to graduate in August God willing and later get in to a baking school, French school and hopefully get my masters.
    My interest in the Meaning Movement is to learn all I can on how to improve on my current situation because I feel stuck in my career and social life. I am really looking forward to making bold moves in my life by learning all I can from your blogs.
    Thank you.

    1. Hi Carol,
      Kieya here, from Nai! I’m just out of law school in my mid 20s but not really feeling it…the law profession.
      Teaching, coaching is what I feel led to…always been a creative soul. Feeling stuck though . I wanna pivot too but am not sure how. Anyway, It’s great to connect with kindred spirits. 🙂

  28. I’m Bethany – I’m a wanderer, and have called 5 states and 3 countries “home” in my life. I’m currently in Seattle, WA and am working on a graduate degree, learning about what I’m good at vs. what makes my heart sing, and trying my best to find a way to marry the two. Mostly – I hope this one day looks like baking pies, raising goats, and growing my own food: creating a home for myself and others. Safe places, loud community, and mess is where I thrive. I stumbled upon Dan’s work through my own work with alumni at The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology. He works with a number of my friends and colleagues, and I am so thankful there are voices like his in my world right now.

  29. I’m Kelly from Seattle, WA. As a (very) recent graduate of The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology, I am currently in the process of contemplating two questions: (1) who am I, and (2) who do I want to be? I used to think that one day I would magically stumble upon the one answer that would bring together and make sense of every intricate passion I hold, but in revisiting these same questions (and their wildly different answers) each day, I think I am coming closer and closer to the realization that the answer is mostly in the question itself. Dan, so glad you have brought together this community of fellow questioners and answerers – looking forward to exploring and dreaming with you!

  30. I currently live in Phoenix, Arizona. I am 63 years old, married 43 years but separated now. I have 4 children and 9 grandchildren. I have worked on and off at jobs I really didn’t like in the health field and in business. I have taken classes Dan Allander has taught, in Texas, Phoenix and in Seattle. I have a long time friend who is a Seattle School of Theology and Psychology alumni. When I read about this blog I wanted to be a part of it. I was relieved to find others of my crazy generation are here too. Thanks!

  31. Hello I’m Bill from Austin TX. I’m a passionate entrepreneur (most of the time), lover of positive thinkers, Fenders Stratocasters and live music. Father of three, married 25 years, looking to make a difference in people’s lives. I stumbled upon Dan’s blog by Googling “why do I have such an easy time starting things and such a hard time finishing them.” I’m finding myself a bit unfulfilled these days as I come to grips with losing my business of 20 years, having my oldest daughter going off to college and being burned out in a business that I’m still involved with after 23 years. Like Bono once brilliantly stated ‘I still haven’t found what I’m looking for.”

  32. I’m Ali, a recent Ph.D. facing a scary 6 months ahead. My day-to-day has felt meaningful since pursuing graduate work 5 years ago, but I see how easily that can slip out of my grasp. The academic job market is highly competitive; it chews people up and spits them back out. Many of my peers have developed a defense mechanism, talking about not wanting to go into academia even as they simultaneously look for an academic appointment. But I’ve thought for so long that this is what I want to do with my life. I was on the market last year, and nothing worked out. I’m making one more attempt this year, hoping that the stars will align, but I’m also very realistic. I know what a small chance there is and I refuse to get my hopes up too high. So what will happen to the meaning in my career, in my day-to-day life, if this endeavor proves infeasible? That’s my biggest fear. I look forward to following your blog and your work as I move through the uncertainty of the next several months and, if necessary, transition to a new way of thinking about the future and what is meaningful to me.

    1. Hi Ali! So glad you’re here with us! We know a lot about uncertainty and big questions, so you’re in good company! Thanks for the introduction. I’m excited to have you onboard.

  33. Hi Dan, Mark here from Bedford, UK.

    I try to pursue the things that make me feel inspired, motivated and empowered, and really enjoy being to help people which ever way I can. By day I work in an amazing software application environment and by night I am a WordPress evangelist and love working and helping people get online with the help of the infamous platform.

    Your Manifesto has inspired me even more to pursue my long time passion for motorcycles and will hopefully lead to me one day setting up a small garage to customise all manner of 2 wheeled machines.

    Thank you.

  34. Hi all! Terribly sorry to chime in so late. I’m Jordan. I live in Seattle where I recently finished a year of teaching High School literacy. I’ve currently been challenged with a job of helping lead a summer program for a group of spontaneous and lively youth. Hoping to move more and more into work that resonates with my abilities and passions. Lately I’ve been enlivened by the thought of working on a farm. I’ll see where that thought takes me. Best wishes to you all!

  35. In continuation to my response to Dan’s email:

    Hi everyone. My name is Sarvesh, and I live in New Delhi, India. I’m 34 years old, married, and a father to a 2-year old. Soon after I finished my graduation in engineering, I figured I wasn’t cut out for the 9-5-Monday-Friday job culture that everybody I knew aspired for, including my parents. I enjoyed reading and writing, so I decided to switch careers and got an opportunity to work in publishing. I’ve been in this industry for the last ten years, but I realize that I haven’t quite done work that has been meaningful to me as yet. In this time, I’ve published a collection of poetry and I write a blog ([email protected]). I would love to work towards connecting people back to their inner selves and reduce our current obsession with the physical world and the sensory experience. I’m here because I happened to come across this website, and felt this was a place for like-minded people, and I could get some ideas on how to take my life in the direction of work that is meaningful to me.

  36. Hi everyone! My name is Aimee Ravelo, 22, and I’m from the Philippines. I’m so glad I found the meaning movement! Thank you, Mr. Cumberland, for creating this website, I also want to tell you that “you are so brave” (I’ve read that post and was greatly encouraged!). I discovered the meaning movement through your article at Relevant “7 Ways To Find You Calling”.

    After several months of trying to make things go my way, to pursue my dreams the way I wanted to (I want to be an actress in S. Korea), I’m letting go and letting God have His way. So right now, I’m waiting on God’s plan for my life to unfold. I’ve come to the point where I’m holding on to nothing and no one but God and His promises. As Charles Swindoll put it, “Sometimes God brings us to our absolute end then proves Himself faithful”.

  37. Hi, my name is Ella and I recently moved to Seoul, Korea from Seattle 🙂 I graduated from the same grad school as Dan and am currently working as a psychotherapist/educator. I’m also working with some colleagues here to start an Alternative School that will use a Balance Psychology educational approach that will not just focus on acquiring knowledge but also help children tap into their own creativity via becoming attuned to their body, emotions and desires, understand how to communicate with others, etc. I’m also interested in Organizational Psyc and hope to find opportunities to do this as well.

    If anyone here is in Seoul, feel free to message me. Would love to connect with a fellow
    Meaning Movement subscriber! I love The Meaning Movement and really appreciate this
    blog. I am inspired by Dan’s creativity in his work here! It keeps me grounded as I’m
    pursuing my dreams in Korea and discovering more of who I am and the things I deeply
    long for. So bummed I couldn’t be there for the Pitch Night… I hope there’s a way to watch a recording of it 🙂 If I were in Seattle, I would have loved to participate in the upcoming
    6 month cohort too~ Keep rocking it, Dan! 🙂

    1. Hi Ella! Thanks so much for commenting. It’s so fun to have you reading along and to hear an update on all the good things that you’re up to. Way to go! It sounds like you’re taking big and courageous steps!

      Thanks for your kind words. It means a lot to know that the Meaning Movement has been helpful and encouraging.

      We did video Pitch Night, so you can expect a chance to see some of it. It just may be a little while before we get to it 🙂

  38. I’m Ruth from Makati, Philippines. I graduated from college for a year now and I’m currently in the journey to finding God’s will for me in my career. 😀 Thank you for creating this movement. I look forward to learning from all the articles here.

  39. Hi Dan! This is Samrat (31) from India.. currently living in New Delhi. By proffesion I’m a civil engineer working in one of the world’s best companies. But somehow, I’m unable to connect my work to the areas of my passion. I know what I want in life.. what makes me feel happy.. but can’t gather enough courage and motivation to go for it all out..
    I found your e-book on meaning manifesto quite prompt to answer many of my doubts/question.

    1. Hi Samrat! It’s great to meet you and I’m so glad you’re here with us. Here’s to finding the courage to step out and chase your passions. We’re here to support you in your journey!

  40. Dan is like a social pyromaniac: he’s obsessed with sparking into flame the creativity and desire within people. More than just igniting passion to begin taking seriously my daydreams, Dan has demonstrated practical steps I can take to put my dreams into action. Most significantly, he’s modeled for me how to take ownership of my ideas and to go public with them. His influence has been instrumental in my recent and very scary decision to open a private practice offering psychotherapy for children and adolescents. His influence is very subversive and very counter-cultural; so glad to be a part of this movement with you all!

  41. Hi! I’m Sarah, I recently started a group called Minute Movies and I’m trying to turn it into a job that pays the bills. This looks like an amazing community to find support in inspiration to find the next steps in pursuing my dream.

  42. I’m Sheree. I now live in Nebraska though my friendship with Dan and Stacia began in Chicago and continues as we share amazing friends as our lives have overlapped.

    I am driven by the complexity of relationships, constantly challenging how we live and interact with the world around us. In the middle of community development work, I create meals and other food experiences that bring people together because ultimately the best conversations and meaningful interactions usually happen when food (or beverage) is present.

    I’m always looking to surround myself with people who want to create with purpose.

  43. Hi Dan and everyone,
    I’m one of those ‘other side of the worlders’. I’m live in a country town in Victoria, Australia. I have several loves in my life: God, my amazing husband, my family, the great outdoors, horses and photography. I work as a teacher although looking at a career change. Trying to work out my ‘fit’ in this life and how I can show God’s love to others.
    God bless 🙂

  44. I stumbled across this blog on my brother’s facebook wall and enjoyed the writing. I am with Legacy Mustang Preservation in Louisa, Va.

    Legacy brings in wild horses from out west, transitions them into the domestic world, then trains and adopts out horses that are mentally and physically ready.

    Mustangs that have been through to much in their life are accepted into our wild horse sanctuary and become a part of educating people about America’s wild horses. These horses also participate in outreach programs that foucus on emotional and mental healing for both human and horse from all walks of life.

  45. I live in Georgia and work for an organization that challenges and empowers young adults to bring tangible change to the needs of this world. I love it. I have already gained such impactful insights through this blog. I actually taught a class this morning and shared about the “different types of no’s” in my presentation. Your words are impacting so many Dan and I am beyond grateful to be one of them. Thank you!

  46. Hi All!
    I’m Amanda from Seattle via CT. I’m excited to be here with you and learn about your experiences and see what we can share and build. I love people and all their beautiful facets. I work in the health and wellness industry and feel lucky to witness folks on their journey to change. Very thankful to have found this blog. Thanks Dan!

  47. Hey, everyone! My name is Holly Bohnett. I recently graduated from Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas but I’m originally from Seattle. I graduated with a public relations degree but that has ended up looking like a number of things: web design, social media, graphic design, writing, videography, photography, etc. I’m interested in a lot of things and I love that I have the ability to switch between them and incorporate my different skills/interests into complete projects. I’m struggling with the typical post-grad confusion and lack of direction, but at least I know that I’m headed to Denver, Colorado this summer and am starting to look for jobs there. In the meantime, I am looking forward to finding encouragement in this website and through this community!

  48. Hello. My name is Elli.
    I have a number of experiments going on right now in life- probably too many, but I gravitate towards challenge 🙂
    I am a mother of two young girls, a wife of a Man braving school to pursue a career he really wants to do, an RMT who is passionate about my work, and “touch therapy” in general, a crafter- I sew, bake, write,draw, paint and sell these things, a retreat and solitude facilitator and enthusiast, a lover of Jesus in the sick, marginalized, and broken, and I just loooove hearing about people pursuing dreams.

    1. Elli! I am totally there with you. That is awesome. I have thought about RMT as a means to help people and have yet to find any schools that I feel comfortable with. Do you know any RMT schools in the South Sound that you would recommend?

  49. Hi my name is Candace. I recently graduated Ithaca College with a degree in sport management and health. Currently, I’m applying for jobs in the NYC area and hoping to find a really good post-grad job. I’m also struggling with what exactly to do after school and although the real world is scary, I’m ready to take it on!

  50. Good Monday morning everyone! My name is Kim and I am new to blogs. I am from Seattle, and left pieces of ny heart in Brasil and California. I work as a nurse, and plan to attend the counseling program at the Seattle School in the fall. I heard Dan speak at the Preview and was inspired. It is so cool to be around other people who feel excited about life and believe in meaning and purpose and a calling. It feels like a lot of people in our culture don’t allow themselves to dream and they feel like real life is going to a job that they don’t like very much so they can buy things that they think they need. I refuse to settle for that, and my heart’s dedire is to help othets discover that their life matters. I know that life offers us so much more than we think, and I’m here to make my contribution. I look forward to hearing from more excited people!

    1. Hey Kim just want to say I couldn’t agree more with everything you’re saying. Life is about experiences and doing things outside yourself. Life really does offer us so much and it really isn’t living unless you are out there taking it’s offers!

  51. Hi there! I’m Aimee and I live in Atlanta. (Well, I technically live about an hour’s drive north of the city, but my big 2015 goal is to be able to write “Atlanta” beneath my street address and have a go at urban life.) I’ve have a wildly winding river for a life, with “indecision” and “fear” stamped over all thirty-one years of it. But I’m finding other words ingrained there, too, like “redemption” and “purpose” and “never too late.” So I’m looking back, but only to dig up clues I missed the first time around; mostly, I’m walking forward with a paintbrush in hand and all the courage I can find.

    You know that scene from Disney’s Pocahontas where she’s holding the compass and the needle stops its mad spinning to point due north? And Grandmother Willow is all like, “You know your path, child. Now, follow it!” That’s more or less life for me these days. I’m writing a story that brings together my passion for hospitality and community-building with my love for the arts and the people who create all things good and beautiful and true. And I’m calling it CANVAS: A Modern Urban Artists’ Colony.

    I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing, but if what they taught us in History class is correct, I’m in good company. It’s completely terrifying and also super fun. Isn’t that how life should be, anyways? Like that moment when you’re mid-air, gravity pulling you back into your dad’s waiting arms? Or free-falling from the high-dive after thirty minutes of coaxing from the crowd below? I think it’s in that place where fear meets delight that we find Meaning. That’s where I’m aiming to live, and I’m glad to be counted among others who are doing the same.

    1. Hi Aimee!
      Such a lovely introduction. Thank you! It’s so great to have you with us. You are most definitely in good company. The realm of risk and desire is a realm of having no idea what you’re doing. We’re here with you!

  52. Hi, I’m Becka. Two years out of college and living in Walla Walla, Washington. Took International Communication and Business in college, but ended up staying with my radio broadcasting job after being there as an intern while in school for 5 years. So I guess I basically have 7 years of real work experience under my belt, which is great. But working 8 hours a day in an office with no windows isn’t exactly the most ideal job in the world, as cool as being on the radio might seem.

    My passions and curiosities I think are really to be found in the back country. I drool over the idea of backpacking into the woods on an unfamiliar trail, and I love taking my giant dog with me on these adventures. I guess maybe I’m looking for a way to be outside, active, and help other embrace this great planet earth…while still making money to pay off my massive student loans.

    I’m not goalless! But I am sort of stuck in a job I don’t love and that’s doesn’t love me back and I’m honestly a little scared and intimidated to look for something else! But I have hope and I’m glad this blog exists to help keep me dreaming and thinking and planning. I think that’s awesome.

    1. Hi Becka!

      Thanks for writing! Keep dreaming, thinking, and planning. Pay attention to those places that make you feel alive. They’re telling you something.

      So glad to have you with us and to be with you!

  53. hi my name is MattI currently live in the san Francisco bay area. I love all things having to do with restoration. I am looking to be involved and participate in restorative justice for I think this is what will connect my meaning and purpose. I am here because I want to be able to be encouraged while connecting my meaning and purpose with action.

  54. Hello Everyone,

    I’m Kiana, and I’m… very, very excited!

    I’m an Environmental Studies major at the University of Washington, wrapping up my fifth year. My concentration is in Food Studies, and I’m a big believer in the power of community agriculture. I aspire to reach out to people of all ages, all communities, and all cultures through food and environmental education–I’m thinking elementary schools, senior citizen homes, and prisons. But I am only beginning to make my dreams a reality, and I can’t wait to see where they take me.

  55. Hello. I am a married mother of two , ages 13 and 15, feeling very much on the brink of major change and attempting to define the next season of my life. I’m a native Texan, living in the northern suburbs of Dallas.

  56. Hey.

    My name is Nazreen Osman. I’m a badass writer trying to find the courage to live a life I love. I’m a wild card, leather wearing boheme with a sprinkling of punk flavour. One of the places, I love to go for inspiration on writing and branding is themiddlefingerproject.org. The MF Project is a no bullshit site for YOU. If you want to love your life and OWN your work- check it out.

    Love and gratitude.

    1. Hi Nazreen! So glad you’re here. So glad you’re writing. Keep it up! (also, I’m a fan of the Middle Finger Project too. Good stuff!)

  57. Hello! My name is Emily and I live just south of Seattle. I work for mobilization and discipleship with a non-profit known as TEAM and I love it. I love helping people discover their passions and interests and encouraging them to go and pursue those dreams. I also LOVE coffee, art, and education and am interested in directing coffee shop art collaborative spaces where people can come together from the community, learn about art, enhance skills, and display/perform their works for others. I also would like to provide free educational resources in these places for all age levels to give support to communities who typically cannot afford help with their learning needs. This is all a dream right now and I look forward to seeing all that happens in the years to come!

    In addition to all this I love to be outdoors (if you live in the PNW you are likely in the same boat as me!). Kayaking, hiking, running, biking, swimming, paddleboarding, climbing, camping… if it’s active and outside I will be there.

  58. Hey everyone,
    My name is Sara Wallace I am 19, I am currently a new resident of North Carolina with my boyfriend Nolan whom I really enjoy being with and in 4 months we will be expecting a beautiful healthy Baby. After reading all of these comment I was impressed, I feel like I’ve finally, for the first time, found some people who just want some passion and meaning to their lives. All of my life I have felt that inside I was different and somehow saw the world differently. I want to live for a purpose and become someone that people want to listen to. Thanks for listening.

  59. Hi! My name is Lucy and I work as a personal financial planner in Northern Virginia. I wanted to help my friends and my friends’ friends (people in their 20s and 30s) with their finances, but in a way they could easily understand and benefit from. That’s why I just launched my free, financial education site: http://www.letlucfinance.com Oh, and I also being outside and going on adventures.

  60. I’m Dale Stubbart, sometimes known as Yellow Bear. I here, because I think Dan and I are doing similar work, though our methods may be different. And I like how he says things. I live in Olympia, so am his “near” neighbor. My company is Yellow Bear Journeys. We help people follow the WIND and embrace who they are meant to be. The WIND would be that which calls us to our true meaning. You may well find me on the beach.

  61. Hi! I’m Michelle Cornish and I live in beautiful BC, Canada! I’m an accountant trying to start a health and fitness coaching business focusing on busy moms. I own the accounting business so finding a way out has been more challenging than I thought. I want to make sure my clients will be well looked after but I’m so ready to start my new career – health and fitness has always been a passion of mine!! Nice to meet you all 🙂

  62. Hi ! My name is Priscilla and I’m 23- I’m French and I’m finishing my 5th year of studies in a little city in the south of France. I play the drums and like dancing 😉 I though I knew what I’ll do in the future but…I have no idea what I’m doing with my life. I’m currently reading the Meaning Movement articles and hope I’ll find out which way to go.
    Thanks for reading ! (hope my English is not too bad :P)

    1. Hi Priscilla! Welcome! Thanks for the introduction. Your english is spot on! I’m so glad you’re here with us. Let me know is there’s ever anything I can do for you!

  63. Hey, a lot of nice people here. I am Gratiana and I am from Germany. I love to read what you write, really helps me. I am an artist and writes a blog to encourage others to be creative and create, explore their talents.
    I wish everyone luck and I’m sorry for my English

  64. Dale Stubbart here. I run Yellow Bear Journeys which is doing a similar work. Following the meaning movement because it does great work and not all the movements out there which say they help you find meaning, do. My blog is at hugging the wind.yellow bear journeys.com

  65. Hello my name is Chris and I’m from Australia. I, with the assistance of my awesome team positively impact young families in small business by making their businesses REALLY work so that we all make an even bigger impact together. The rewards that brings allow our team (‘the fantastic four’) to make small but powerful contributions to impact our local community, our country and the lives of those less fortunate around the world”. We have found enormous meaning and satisfaction in our work through our lifetime membership in global giving initiative – Business for Good B1G1. I am also a founding member of Accountant’s Making Radical Impact (soon to be changing its name to “Accountants for Good” at the Sep 7th launch!)

  66. My name is Sabrina, I’m from California and I work in public service in training and organizational development. I love the Meaning Movement and am so inspired by Dan’s perseverance. I’m the type of person who quits anything that I’m not immediately great at, so this blog has helped me “stick it out” when things get tough.

  67. From Southern New Jersey. I currently work as a magician and owner of an entertainment agency. I have been inspired by speakers and writers so that is why I would like to become one to give that same inspiration to others!

  68. Hi. My name is Josh Monen and I’m from Battle Ground, WA. I used to have a $500/day cocaine addiction but now I’m clean and sober and happily married with 3 young kids (http://jmonen.com/mystory). I’m a full-time freelance copywriter and I blog daily at jmonen.com. I love the Meaning Movement because I’m obsessed with figuring out what my calling/purpose in life is and helping others do the same. I heard we only have one shot at this thing called life so I think it’s kind of important to figure out! 🙂

  69. Hello Dan,

    We have had a brief email conversation about the fact that I know what I want to do, but I just dont know how to do it yet. However, after reading your “The Long Guide to Finding Your Life’s Work” I am pursuing “languaging your experience” and “putting my experience into words because it shapes the way I think of it”. This is going to be my January work into how to find the work I want to do for ocean conservation. So excited. Thank you!

  70. I am glad to write here and introduce myself.

    I am a semi-retired pharmacist who has worked retail and hospital pharmacy while also being a pharmacy manager. I also spent nearly half my career in sales that I thoroughly loved.

    Now I am launching a new career as a freelance writer. The commute is great; from the kitchen with a mug of hot coffee to my home office.

  71. Hello Dan ,
    My name is Stela Dimitrova , Bulgarian who is living in the Netherlands for the past four years .Glad to write and connect with other people here . Currently in a period of transition ,where overthinking and fear is of a constant challenge .What helps me during this periods -dancing , meditating and music ,grounding to my center as much as possible . Considering to follow a Bachelor program but not decided is this the right path for me and which option has more calling /purpose . 29 years old

  72. Hello!

    I made a huge move a few years ago giving up a six-figure salary in Boston to follow my purpose and help people connect. Now I’m doing it, living in the Azores! (www.minuvida.com) and am looking for ways to continue to inspire and motivate others (and continue on my own journey).

    I believe it’s incredibly important to consider our own personal mission and vision statement and we rarely ask ourselves this. I only really defined my own just a few years ago and am finding it even more valuable to revisit, tweak, edit, and re-evaluate.

    This site is amazing and I’m grateful for all the resources! I hope to add my voice to support this movement.


    1. Hi Rimi! What a fantastic and inspiring journey! Way to go.

      I’m so glad you’re here with us and hope that you find this community to be a fantastic resource for your work 🙂

  73. My name is Joe Cunningham – I’m a musician and songwriter, aspiring artist. I was introduced to Dan via a Jeff Goins podcast, and Dan’s work resonated with me and where I’m at in my life right now. Really looking forward to his wisdom and insight. Thanks for all you do, Dan!

  74. Ok. So I bumped into this great guy called Dan Cumberland via a podcast by Jeff Goins. Ever since then I kinda connected with his ideas. I have always prayed to find my purpose and only recently realized that I was already living the purpose via the roles I have been playing and not the titles I have held. So I stopped worrying about finding my purpose and now more focused on doing my best in the roles I have been assigned by life per time. I also discovered I could share my insights with others hence started writing a book about how we are LED into finding and fulfilling our life’s purpose. It’s coming on slowing though. My name is Amechi Anthony ADIBI but you can just call me Anthony and I live in Lagos Nigeria with my wife and 2 amazing kids. I look forward to meeting Dan someday. I hope to enjoy my time on this platform.

    1. Hi Anthony! I love what you shared. Thank you. It’s a big shift to go from worrying about your purpose to focusing on doing your best wherever you are. How is it coming? I’d love to hear more about your process 🙂
      Glad yo have you with us!

  75. Hi, everybody! I’m Marcia, from Tijuana, Mexico, south of the border with the USA. I found Dan searching information in Google. Thank God for that! I really loved the Meaning Movement and the change Dan wants to make in the world.

    I’m a graduated in Communication Sciences and graphic designer but since a few months ago I’m looking for a change in my life. I want to make something that can motivate others and make my country a better place. The Meaning Movement it’s an inspiration for me and I think that you, Dan, are really making something great.

    I’m glad that this blog exists and that people around the world can connect with your ideas and maybe we can be stronger together and can make a change in the world.

    Thanks 😉 (sorry if my English is not so good 🙁 )

    1. Hola Marcia! Your English is fantastic. No need to apologize!

      I love your heart for Mexico, and I’m excited to see where your work takes you!

      So happy to have you as a part of this 🙂

  76. I live in Salem, OR (enjoying the PNW!) and I have enjoyed this website and some of Dan’s other resources for a couple years now. I’m working out putting into practice making work more than work. I’m passionate about personality typologies like the MBTI and the Enneagram, and I want to use them to counsel and/or coach people. Is anyone else doing something similar? Thanks Dan, for all the time and effort you put into your resources, and for your kindness. 🙂

    1. Hi Rachel!

      Always great to hear from you! Thanks for commenting here. I love your interest in personality types and helping others! Thanks for being a part of the Meaning Movement! I’m sure there are others here who could use your help understanding things like the Enneagram!

    2. Hey Rachel! I love the Enneagram and MBTI. I’m Kieya from Nairobi (Kenya), INFJ, a 3 on the Enneagram. Just finished law school but my sweet spot is coaching and teaching. My dad runs a coaching firm that deals with Psychometric assessments so I’ve been crazy about MBTI since I was young. I find it really effective in helping teammates understand each other.

      Enneagram has a little more soul – stumbled on it through Fr. Richard Rohr. I sometimes find typologies limiting…but they’re useful as a starting point and I really enjoy introducing them for the first time to others.

  77. I’m Laura, architect in Bogotá, Colombia. I live alone and I have been looking for all the possibilities to clung to this crazy human world: traveling, practicing sports, going out and meeting new friends… I’m grateful about my life trying to understand, to learn and to take advantage of each single thing that has happend in it. I reach this movement like an option to continue knowing myself and push me to get the goals I want in my life for example get out of the bed in the mornings!!! this is so difficult to me but it would make a huge change! I don’t have job but I want to create a companny with a friend and I would like to be more organized and make more things trough day.

    Dan and people that is reading this message, THANK YOU FOR READING!! and if you write me you can be sure I’ll write you back. I wish you the best luck!!

    1. Hi Laura!

      I’m so glad you’re here with us. What kind of company are you working on creating?

      Thanks so much for your introduction!

  78. Hi I am Michelle. I come from Venezuela but currently I am living in Germany. I am a travleer and a story teller that is curious about evolution and languages. I work as a scientist in a Pharma company but it the last months I’m trying to explore writing… I always wanted to write a book.

    I reach this blog searching for the courage to make changes that enable me to do so.

    I really like the precision and how direct your ideas are express thanks so much for sharing and giving us also the opportunity to do so 🙂

  79. Hey guys! Hi Dan! thanks thanks thanks for creating this community! 😀 Glad to be here.

    I’m Kieya, from Nairobi, Kenya. Gonna be called to the bar in the coming months after 7 years of law school – feeling numb about that. I’m not crazy about law stuff. Done a little bit of consulting and research work – doesn’t do much for me.

    But always been a creative soul – doodle a lot in class, flutist, thrived in music during my high school years, orchestra, taught music. I do know that I love teaching, coaching and writing, in whatever context. I love helping people grow 🙂 Helping people get to where they wanna be.
    WORK (the theology, philosophy, and practicality of it) has long been an interest of mine. Twice in a day, complete strangers asked me to help them get a job….strange or what?!

  80. Hi all!
    My name is Anel and I live in Cape Town, South Africa. I used to teach English literature and language at a prestigious high school in my suburb. Now I am a freelance writer and editor, but more than that, I’m trying to figure out what the next season of my life should look like. Searching anew for my purpose in this new phase of my life. I’ve realized that it is tough work, but also that I sometimes tend to over-complicate the process.

    I just need to let go, take a look at what’s in my hands right now, and go with it. As a creative there are so many things that I want to pursue at the same time, that I literally tend to drive myself crazy sometimes 🙂 (Anyone else can relate with that?)

    So, at the moment, I’m just trying to take a deep life-breath, write a lot, process, take a look at what’s in my hand, and using that to influence and add meaning to the lives of others in a creative way 🙂

  81. Hi, my name is leon.Im from a small town called Touwsranten outside George which is in South Africa.I love sports (a Big Manchester United fan) and listen to a lot of hip hop music. I guess im just trying to figure out what im suppose to do with my life, i sometimes feel like there’s something great waiting for me at the end of the tunnel(is this wishful thinking?, lol) even though i feel like what im doing now is not contributing to my future.

  82. Hi Dan
    Thank You so much for creating the Meaning Movement. I have always struggled with the deep-seeded desire to make my life count. To do something great. To be fruitful. Seeing your blog reminds me that I am not alone. I know that finding life meaning is one of the biggest problems people voice but sometimes it can feel like I’m the only one who cares about finding meaning and purpose. I wanted to solve this problem for myself and help others solve it so I left my 20-year career in advertising and started a blog to help people find meaning and productivity in everyday things, to live a truly abundant life. I have only just begun the journey but your writing is such an encouragement to me to keep going. Thank you!

  83. Hi!
    I’m a 26-years-old public servant. For the last 4 years I’ve been working at the customs in the South of Russia. My job is so serious but I feel so tired of being limited by strict instructions. Now I’m looking for a new work place where I could find more challenges and inspiration. I’d also like to get new creative skills such as fashion disign, chocolate making and floristics.

  84. Hi All! My name is Carol and I’m from Oahu, Hawaii. I just recently quit my job of 10+ years and I’m embarking on a 3 to 6 month sabbatical to figure out what I’m going to do next. I’ve stumbled into a lot of things in my life and I’m ready to use this time to be more intentional about my next step. In my last job, I loved leading my team and doing management training for our management group. I haven’t figured out what my calling is, but I’m engaged and ready to do the work to figure that out. I’m pretty sure it has to do with coaching and leading people.

  85. My name is Nicholas Poulos. I am 20 years old from Asheville North Carolina. This has been one of the most testy times in my life as I wrestle with what I really want to do with my life. I am taking a year off from college to reflect about what I want to major in and what I see myself doing in the future. I originally wanted to be a nurse, but I feel like I just picked it out of highschool on a whim because I liked science.

    I have a deep desire to travel and explore the world- experience new cultures, new people, and new places. This has been hard for me to discern on what my vocation is since I am more passionate about traveling than I am making a ton of money and getting trapped in the rat race. It seems daunting to me to imagine myself working 9-5 for most of my life in some job that has no meaning. “What can I do that fills my life with meaning?” is the question that I have been wrestling with for some time now.

    After considering dropping off college and volunteering in farms around the world, I have decided to go back next year and finish up but switch majors to sociology. Helping people has always been something that I love doing, so nonprofit work or international humanitarian aid work would be my dream job after college. It is frustrating trying to find people who understand what I am going through because everyone seems to know what they want to do.

    There are a lot of things about the society that I live that make me want to escape,such as consumerism, greed, and individualism. I desire to travel abroad and meet people from all walks of life and develop meaningful relationships. All of this seems far away from me as I have 2 more years to complete college and student loans to pay back.

  86. Hi,
    My name is Leslie and I am currently in a quandary. I left a 15 year career to try something new and it didn’t work out. I am now unemployed, searching for a job and about to turn 40! Each day is a roller coaster. I am searching for that thing that will help ground me.

  87. My name isCynthia. I currently live in Henderson, NV, but I’m originally from Southern California. I love to spend time with my family and I try to live a grateful and optimistic life. I look for opportunities to learn each and every single day and I hope to share my “rose-colored glasses” with others!

  88. My name is Julie, I live in Arkansas and my husband is a preacher. I am trying to start a blog and my husband posts his on Facebook. Our goal is to encourage, build-up and teach God’s Word. I am not computer literate, but I am learning so I can assist my husband who recently suffered a stroke, and have an outreach myself with my blog. Thank you for your help and encouragement, although I’m a bit overwhelmed by it all. I am with the WAHS and am really excited about all that I’m going to learn through yourself and other like-minded servants trying to help us along! God bless!

  89. Helllllooooo! I’m Kathryn, a Brit living in Austria. Right now I’m working for a well known European brand as the Head of Business Development for Asia but I’d like to transition to helping small and medium companies dip their toes into the world of export and international business. Outside of work, I love playing my clarinet in a wind orchestra and I’m a senior section (16 – 20 year olds) Scout leader.

  90. Hi my name is Maryam and I am trying to figure what exactly to do with my life. I recently quit my hamster wheel job and pray for guidance daily. I am thinking about starting a blog, something in the health and wellness field.

  91. I’m Erica. I’m still looking for a path to take in life. I started a family young, and now my oldest is going to college. I realize I have spent the past 18 years ignoring myself. So here I am!

  92. My name is Chantel and I’m a native Canadian living in New Hampshire. I found Dan through Caitlin Pyle only about a month ago and have been working through The Calling Course ever since. It’s been such a blessing to have someone to ask me the questions that were just out of reach in the back of my head, because they truly help me think about what I want out of life and merging it with my home/family’s needs as well.

    I recently quit my job knowing it was creating more stress than blessing in my life and started 2018 with two ideas: 1) Grace. It’s okay if today isn’t the best. Just try again tomorrow, and 2) Even though I have no idea what I’m doing, I’m finally okay with it! 🙂

    Happy to be here learning along with everyone else!

  93. Hi! My name is Kathy and about 10 years ago I had to go on disability. I am in a rut right now because I worked so much for so long I feel like I have no purpose anymore. I would like to do something part time that I can do from home on my good days. I found Dan through the work at home summit put on by Caitlyn Pyle. I’m just checking in with the roll call as per an email. I’m taking an IT support course that Google is sponsoring right now but it really doesn’t seem to be my thing. I would like to try blogging but I’m not sure what my topic would be. Still not sure what I’m going to do. I find Dan’s emails inspiring.

    1. I’m in the same boat as you Kathryn! Going through the courses are helpful in not only finding what you want to do, but what you do NOT want to do as well. It’s all learning 🙂 I’m still unsure what my topic would be if I consider blogging, but I’m doing some research to see if it’s for me or not. The day to day has to be something I enjoy and not just the outcome. I hope you get to a decision on something to try for now soon! It will feel so good I’m sure!

  94. Hi! My name is Paola, I live in Madrid (Spain) and I’m 21 years old. I’m passionate about faith, fitness and health (both mental and physical) and want to offer an integrated vision of all these areas and help people fall in love with them. I want to be a homeschooler mom and work from home 🙂

    1. Hi Paola!
      I’m a bit behind on responding, but I’m so happy to have you here with us. I love your vision for what you want to do. Keep pursuing it!

  95. Hi, Dan. My name is Lisa and I live in San Diego. I am a home school mom of three that are now in high school or college, so a new chapter is beginning for me. I am an artist type, but trying to figure out where I fit in, within that field. I am also a follower of Jesus Christ, and know I must create art that has profound meaning…a whisper I keep hearing in my soul. However, there is so much to sort through…within and without, and your podcasts and writings help me when I feel hopeless and overwhelmed. They are like a breath of fresh, grace-filled air saying, “This is real, this matters, and you can do this.” Thank you, Dan!

    1. Hi Lisa!
      I was homeschooled all the way through, so you’re in good company! 🙂
      Thanks for your kind words. They mean so much! So glad you are here!

  96. Hello, I have been out of work for 6 years due to medical issues. I am trying to get back to work. I want one a can do from home. I like being away from the stress of office life. Also, like making my own hours. I am hoping to find work using my Microsoft office skills, mainly Access. I use all the products, but I love working with access. I like taking data and analyzing, process and report on it. I love to craft as well, papercrafting and yarn crafts.

  97. HI – I’m Leann & I have 4 kids, Multiple Sclerosis & an optimistic outlook. My youngest is 9 and I’m ready to “work”. I feel like I’d love to motivate and encourage others….especially people that have to face health hurdles. But I feel lost on how to get to that job/career. I went to school to be a sign language interpreter but numbness in my limbs make me not want to go down that path again. I do love your mission. Thanks for inspiring others.

  98. Hi, I’m Aly. I currently work as an English as a second language teacher in Indianapolis, IN. I went into teaching because I’ve always wanted to help others, but I’m finding that it’s mentally and emotionally draining for me. My job takes so much out of me that I’m not able to be my best self or give in other ways that I would like to. So I’m looking for a change, but I’m not sure exactly how to balance the need to make money with my desire to do something meaningful! I’m also one of those people who loves a lot of different things but can’t imagine picking one of them and doing that and only that forever. But I will keep looking! 🙂

    1. Hi Aly!
      Your experience is super common. Many of us get into career to make a difference but then find that they’re not sustainable. It’s tough! And it can be really confusing. I’m hopeful that we can help you find something that you love and that keeps you feeling full!

  99. Hello. I’m Karen, and I’m from western Pennsylvania. I’ve always liked to find meaning in what I do- in work, life, etc. But the last few years, I felt like I had lost a lot of meaning and direction in life. When I first heard Dan talk about finding my calling, I didn’t really think I had any interesting stories from my life that would help me find out what had meaning for me…but turns out I did. I’ve since been inspired to start a blog where I talk about working from home to help overcome depression. I would love to help other people who have been through some of the same struggles I have, and I definitely feel like I have meaning in my life again!

    1. Hi Karen!

      I love this! I’m so happy you’re writing and I love hearing that The Meaning Movement has been an inspiration! Keep up the great work!


  100. Hello Everyone!!! I’m J L and I’m from West Texas. I’m at the beginning of a work-at-home journey. I’m almost 8 months pregnant with my first child. When my little girl is born, I want to work from home so I don’t have to put her in a daycare. I am in the process of trying to find the right fit for me as a work-at-home mom. The last several jobs I have worked at have left me feeling unfulfilled and like a slave to the work week. I want to find something that gives me freedom. =)

  101. Hi Dan,
    I stubbled upon you when I was doing some purpose research for my new website and learned about the GREAT work you do. My work also I all about about purpose (www.purposestone.com) and appreciate you helping people bring this work to life for themselves. My focus is primarily for leaders, their teams and their organizations – helping to connect the dots of accessing and advancing our purpose, connecting the dots. 🙂

    Keep up the great work 🙂

  102. Hi my name is Lorna and I live in the UK. I have recently discovered Dan and his work and am already benefitting from the emails that help me to think about the direction I want to go in. Am looking forward to this journey of self development

    Thanks Dan!

    1. Hi Lorna! I’m so happy to have you here with us! Thanks for the quick intro. Let me/us know if there’s anything we can do for you!

  103. Hi Folks,

    I am currently writing an eBook and blogging about my journey with coping with Psoriasis and how I am changing my diet, getting different therapies and meditation amongst other things!

    I will be completing the eBook in the Autumn. I’m based in sunny Devon in the UK. I enjoy reading Dan’s blog and good luck to all!

    Best, Gaz.

  104. I’m Colleen Mitchell, from the Seattle, WA area.

    I’m an advocate for education about mental health and type 1 diabetes. I’m a writer, an organizer, a planner, a warrior, and a survivor. I’m good at listening to the problems of others and cutting through the fluffy bullshit to tell the truth and be encouraging about it. I aspire to be, every day, better than I was yesterday, yet I’ll always be a work in progress.

    I write over at http://www.inspiredforward.com. I found Dan through the Work At Home School, which has opened up so many avenues of exploration for me.

  105. My name’s Michelle and I’ve worked part time as a Teaching Assistant in a school for the last few years. It’s fitted in brilliantly while my children are young. In a years time my youngest child will be moving on from Junior to senior school and the hours that I need to work will no longer be so limited. I used to enjoy my job, for the first 2 years, but in recent years I have come to dread it. I find it’s no longer very challenging and I can often feel bored. Also, I’m an introvert and my job requires me to spend whole days with a class of 30 4 and 5 year olds which is extremely draining. I have zero energy left at the end of the day for my own family and friends and just crave time alone. Which is unfair on my family. I would love to find a career where I can spend long periods alone, preferably working from home, concentrating on task. Then when my family come home, I’m craving their company, rather than the other way around, as it is now. I also have a long standing back issue which means that I need to find work that doesn’t strain my back. My current job requires me to be low to the ground a lot, a lot of crouching and bending down. I have always wanted to work with animals, dogs in particular, since I was very young. Also, I’m exploring the option of becoming a proofreader, as I have a love of words and I’ve just completed and passed a 1 year online course in basic proofreading. I would say that my biggest struggles are self confidence and ‘imposter syndrome’. I think a lot of women, after being away from work having and looking after their children, struggle with these things. Finding The Meaning Movement has helped me hugely in my journey towards finding meaningful work that I enjoy and that is suited to my personality and family needs. Thanks.

    1. Hi Michelle! I’m so happy that you’re here with us. It sounds like you’re in a good space to make some intentional choices and try new things! Let me know if I can help in any way 🙂

      1. Thanks Dan. I’m already finding all the info provided by The Meaning Movement extremely helpful. The hardest thing I’m finding is deciding betweeen proofreading and working with animals/dogs. My heart is with animals but the opportunities are much harder to find. Proofreading is something I can do from home and is very flexible, and I’ve already had one opportunity open up (just very ad hoc work, and I feel like I still need to get a bit more training behind me before I launch into paid proofreading). I’m really torn between what my heart desires, what is my very core of being and what I care deeply about (animals/dogs) and what seems the easier more direct way to making an income and slotting into my life, which is proofreading. Thanks for all your help.

        1. Hi Michelle,

          I can’t offer too much in depth here, but if you enjoy proofreading and it’s making income— keep pursuing it. Further opportunities will emerge for you to work with animals. I don’t think they need to be mutually exclusive unless you want them to be 🙂

          1. Thanks so much for your reply Dan. That’s really helped confirm to me that I should pursue proofreading for now. I’ve felt, as you said, that opportunities to work with animals will come in the future (I may even get the chance to combine the two things and proofread for an animal charity!). My children still need me around, during school holidays and before and after school, and work with animals generally requires early starts and working weekends and sometimes evenings. Proofreading can be done any time, any place, and can be done during school holidays. So it seems to fit right now but as my children get older, I could branch into work with animals. I could do both part time. So your reply has reinforced what I was already thinking but felt unsure about. Thank you again. Your work is invaluable to me and so many.

  106. Aloha, My name is Linda. From Honolulu, Hawaii. My life has taken a few unexpected turns recently and finding Dan’s blog has given very thoughtful and inspiring perspectives as me and my children (9, 8, and 6) encounter this world with our faith and heads held up. As an advocate for my children’s education and well being, working for and with the Department of Education has elevated my sense of direction and purpose as a mother. I’m in a season of re-self discovery and really understanding who I am, what I want, and why I am the way I am. And Finding the Meaning Movement is helping me do just that! Thank you Dan for all your Mana’o (thought, idea, belief, opinion, theory, thesis, intention, meaning, suggestion, mind, desire, want; to think, estimate, anticipate, suppose, mediate, deem, consider)!

    1. Hi Linda!
      I’m so glad to have you hear with us! I love that word: “Mana’o”. It’s beautiful! I also love your passion for education. Keep up the good work!

  107. Hello, My name is PAR.
    I’m an IT specialist at a University.
    I live in Chicago. What i”m looking for is peace of mind.

    I play music and Dj.

  108. Greetings,
    My name is Justin and I live in Portland, Or. I am a single dad to a great 15yr old daughter. I am working a job I am not happy with and looking for a new direction and I want it to mean something. All my family is back East and my mom is sick, so I am currently very torn amd confused about where this all should lead. I find this site calming and insightful. But man am I open to opinions.

  109. Hi, My name is Karl, I’m 34 and live in the UK.

    I currently work in the pharmaceutical industry as an analytical chemist. I spent a long time in education getting to this position with a 4 year undergraduate degree and then a 4 year PhD. I always wanted to make a difference with the fight on cancer as the disease killed my mum when I was 3 and wanted to help prevent others from losing those they love too soon. The thing is that I don’t feel satisfied at all with my day to day work, I feel that I’ve put so much effort in getting to this place and it feels empty now I’m here. I feel lucky to have a job which is in an area benificial to society, I like my colleagues and my pay is more than enough for my lifestyle, I just want to feel excited to go to work in the morning and I’m not. In my spare time I fill it with a mixture of different interests, I really lack focus in one area to be honest but largely enjoy cooking, photography and travel. A main time and energy drain for me over the last few years has been dating, I’ve put a lot of effort into finding someone to share my life with but have failed in this pursuit so far, part of me wonders if I found something I was more passionate about to fill my time with everything else might fall into place…

    1. Hi Karl! Welcome here. This sounds like a tough spot, and not an uncommon one. I’d love to help if I’m able— as I’m sure many of the community here would as well. I wonder if there might be some lateral moves available to you within your field that might put you in a place where you’re more engaged and excited about your work? Thanks for posting here!

  110. My name is Mary Ann. I am a mom. A girlfriend. A legal assistant. And most of all a woman. I don’t really have any hobbies, as I was a single mom for the better part of 15 years. Now with my daughter turning 18 in 3 months. My boyfriend is encouraging me to find something. My only interest is photography. So that’s what I am gonna do.

    1. Welcome Mary Ann!

      I’m so happy you’ve found your way here. You’re in good company! We have quite a few folks who arrive in similar places: as major life transitions take place (like a daughter turning 18), new space opens up to refine and redefine yourself. I hope we can help with your process!

  111. Hello. I’m Chelsea. I believe in life-long learning and going wherever my curiosity takes me. I’m a master of none and still wondering what I’m going to do when I “grow up.” I have a degree but I’m still trying to figure out what I have to offer this world and what value and meaning I can bring to those around me. I’d like to leave this earth better than how I found it. I’m here to learn. Thanks for having me.

  112. Hello, My name is Foteini Zervou. I am from Greece. My current dream is to become an Electronics engineer and I am still wondering what my ultimate goal in life should be. I Love playing football and music altogether.

  113. G’day! My name is Stefano (Tuscan blood, Aussie Heart} and I live in Perth, Western Australia. I have been a full time carer for my mum for 8 years now (no family here in perth, all in italy) and i find it bloody hard at times!!! Just saying. I am 53 years young and I still don’t know what the fudge i want to do with my life!!

  114. Greetings from Durham, NC! I guess I came to your website just looking for meaning in general…lately I’ve been wondering what is the meaning of my life? Is waking up and running, going to work and eating dinner all there is? Is there something bigger going on that I should be looking for, striving for? Is there any meaning in going through the motions of life without drinking/smoking/escaping? Is inner peace attainable? Do I even want inner peace? Should I just go to church more? And how do I find a church that feels right for me?
    I am a gramma and find deep meaning in my granddaughter and family relationships, but that is still different and separate from finding meaning in my own life. I could be wrong there?

  115. Hi Dan, I am Shirley and live in Chanhassen, MN. I am happily retired and considering becoming a life couch, as an idle mind is such a waste.
    I am currently taking Mary Morrisey’s Dreambuilder Program and am enrolled in Jim Kwik’s “How to develop a Super Memory” through Mindvalley, starting 3/3/19. There is so much I still want to learn and share. Jim Kwik said it best: “If knowledge is power, learning is your superpower.”
    Love your emails and send love and light to you and your vision.
    Blessings & Hugs

  116. Hello everyone! Becky here from Hampshire, IL. Currently unemployed and researching options to work from home as I am my mom’s caregiver.

  117. My name is Laura Bates I live in Mérida, México and I’m starting a company called Proyecto H, my goal is to change the world, and I know that sound too ambitious but I believe that companies can change the world if they do a positive impact with both the inside and the outside of their bussines. I run a strategic consulting group and with our team we do corporative philanthropy projects.
    I’m always looking to collaborate with other social entrepreneurs and create alliances, feel free to contact me.
    Together we can do more change for good.

  118. Wanderlusting soul who is a wife to an amazing man, momma of 3 sweet nuggets and searching for where life will have us settle in! Currently in Eagle CO and love exploring nature and learning alongside our kiddos!

      1. That’s my wife! She’s great…. We’re really loving your work, it’s been a huge help as we wrestle with these questions of calling/vocation.

  119. Hi Dan, i’m Hendry from Indonesia.
    Right now i’m part of a company that just kick off a noble purpose program, so while i’m in the middle of googling what it is and what role i could play in the movement, i’m stumbled to your website. im in the episode of starting to ask a lot of question to myself regarding my life and what my legacies are to my daughter while this happened.

    Thank you for your email, those messages help me navigate through this episode of my life

  120. My name is Ashle, living in Amsterdam, 28 years old.
    Currently trying to get used to my new life. I am laid off by my previous company as a part of Corona measures, which was ok at first, because that was, I thought, “a period.” But straight 6 months after still I haven’t secured a new job and it’s getting harder for me to keep going. Mostly I can’t get rid of the thought of undesirableness and not being fit anywhere. I keep hearing from companies that my CV is good but I just “don’t fit,” to their projects, current ambitions, company, whatever f*ck it is.

  121. Hi, My name is Alison (Ali) and I recently relocated from NJ to Sarasota Fl. Since then I have been on a determined search to connect my work with meaning and passion and figure out what the answer to that is. I came across an ad for Dan’s ebook on Globe St which is a real estate email I subscribe too ( I have been in commercial real estate for the past decade) which I found a little strange but I am convinced it was not by accident! Candidly I am a little blown away and very excited that I have found a whole community who is also trying to answer my same question! My family just cannot understand why I am so determined to figure this out. lol
    I am looking forward to reading all of your posts and joining the movement!
    Much love!

    1. Hi Ali – It’s really great to have you here. Thanks for following along! I have no idea how I ended up on Globe St. I’m very curious about this now! No matter how it happened, I’m so glad you ended up here and hope that we can help you get where you need go!

  122. Hi, I’m Kendra from Oklahoma. I’m 41. I quit a good job last year because it was taking over over my life. I didn’t want to dedicate more time to something that was stressful and unfulfilling. I’ve been looking at building a career that I love and could do forever. Nothing is jumping out at me; maybe I’ve been burying my real likes in order to make money. Since I quit, I’ve discovered that I love gardening and playing tennis. These hobbies make me so happy. I don’t know why I let work take over my life. I’ll be keeping these hobbies no matter what my career turns into. I’m happy the meaning movement is here and that others are looking for meaning too.

  123. Hi all! I’m Ken and I live in Santa Ana, CA. Originally from Boston I have previously spent the past 12 years in San Diego after moving there to get my MBA. I am in a career transition period due to a layoff prior to the pandemic and have been wrestling with what my purpose and calling in life might be. My undergrad degree was chosen by my family and career path never felt like mine. – Crazy but its as though I was living someone else’s life. Realize I’ve been lacking direction and have been spending the past year doing revisiting MY values, goals, and desires while wrestling with indecision. Have realized simply get out there to take action to figure out what I truly enjoy. However, the current environment is making it a bit more difficult. I realize that to grow change of mindset is critical as well as rewriting my own narrative. I make meditation, journaling, and time with myself to stay positive, trust my guy, and take calculated risks to try different things. Thank you to everyone else out there for sharing their story.

    1. Hi Ken – Great to have you here. It sounds like you’re doing good work to find your next step. I hope the blog, podcast, and this community can help!

  124. Big Hi to everyone! I am Swetha, from India, a seeker, curiously discovering myself.
    The name “themeaningmovement” intrigued me and was able to instantly connect with all the work Dan is doing here.
    I am learning to tap into my intuition, understand the narration I am telling myself and realise it’s time to break the spell of this old narration.
    I am constantly looking for resources, inspirations and communities which help me get the clarity and propel me to take tiny steps towards the transformation I seek.
    Thank you Dan for the work you’re doing to help and guide people like me on their path.

  125. Many thanks Dan. I’m Uchenna Ugwu From Enugu, Nigeria. I am very passionate about helping people discover Gods purpose for their lives and understand their gifts. I do this by Speaking and those are my best moments in life. I am currently in my Final year in the University studying Accountancy. I love reading books (4 a month) on purpose discovery and Gift, I like connecting with people and encouraging people too. It’s great to be here. My contact is 09017154187, @uchenna ugwu on Facebook

  126. Hello Dan. Great to read some of your enlightening articles. I learned about you on Twitter responding to a post about pastors from Nick Gray. I’m very interested in how man of faith sees this search for purpose / passion versus the secular world. I’m in late 40s and run a small non-profit. I’m looking for a change but I’m not sure what and I don’t know how to figure it out. Lots of interests but they all seem skin deep. Nothing so abiding that it feels right to cast off everything else for that one right thing. I’m resigning myself to fact that I may never find what I’m looking for and / or that it may just be my personality to be eternally unsatisfied. Good luck to you and all your followers.

    1. Hi Mark! So fun that you found your way here via Nick Gray. I love his party book! You’re in good company here. I think you’d benefit from my materials and trainings. If you haven’t joined the email list, please do so! I think you’d enjoy it! Welcome! And thanks for writing in here!

  127. Hi, my name is Rita, I live in Little Rock, AR, I am 61 years old. I have been with my job now for 24 years. I am here because it is time for me to start training younger people to do my job and I need to feel okay about doing that. It is only fair to them, but it is hard for me to just hand over what I have a passion for and worked hard to learn.

  128. My name is Bud Morris, assistant director space and facilities planning for the school of medicine at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. I enjoy this blog and enjoy hearing from people all over. I love the outdoors, I am an amateur photographer.

  129. Hi all,
    My name is Ray and I am from the city of Montreal in Quebec, Canada. I enjoy the game golf on weekends and write on my spare time. I have lots of family spread out in the US, but mainly on the East coast, in Virginia and Florida. I enjoy reading you all too. 🙂

  130. Hi everyone, I am Uzo and I live in Abuja Nigeria. I am a techno-commercial professional currently working with an LNG company. My passion is impacting knowledge but have not been able to fully actualize same. Hope to “grab” it soon ! Though I stumbled on this site, it has been very helpful!

  131. Hello! My name is Catherine and I am originally from MI but moved to “sunny” California 40 years ago. I am always seeking to improve myself and learn more about the spiritual aspect of life. I have learned that we are all LOVE, and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US is a unique expression of God. It’s hard sometimes to accept that with the reality of horrible things that happen all the time by people but I am only responsible for myself and creating my own peace. I stumbled across Dan’s movement and I find his emails touching and thought provoking. So here I am – putting myself out there 🙂
    PS) I have a passion for making artisan chocolates and believe that Chocolate is Happiness! It gives me great joy to watch the smiles when people enjoy my chocolates.

  132. Hello, my name is Joseluis. I go by Joe as well. I was born and raised in Chicago. I am a social worker by education and currently work in public health as a director. I love to spend time with my family, especially my nephews and nieces. I am an old movie buff and enjoy a good meal. As for what I am looking for, I have been on a long journey trying to answer that question. I honestly would like to know my purpose (life, professionally, personally), but it always feels out of reach or blurred. As one gets older, this question becomes so relevant and ingrained. At least, that's the case for me. Thank you for the opportunity to share— continued success with everyone.

  133. Dr Jery John George
    Working as Medical Superintendent in a Medical College in Kerala, India.
    I Like to think of myself as a Learner and motivator.

  134. Hi! My name is Sunny. I'm from the Philippines. I'm a Leadership and Talent Development professional, coach and Points of You Explorer, and a cool aunt to my nephews and niece. As one who works in the field of training and learning experience, and as one who coaches on performance, adversity and grit, and change, it's important for me to also take care of my wellbeing. Being part of this platform/community helps me with that.

  135. Hi Dan – been reading your emails for a little while now. Engaging, engrossing, and energising – is how I'd summarize my benefits out of reading the same. May the Force be with you always.

    Warm regards, and best wishes
    Gopi, from Chennai, India.

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