Procrastination, Motivation, and Memory with Mary Lamia

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Mary Lamia is a psychologist, psychoanalyst, professor, and author. Her work centers on helping people foster emotional awareness.

As a young girl she became curious about the mind and how it works and began learning anything she could. this set her on a lifelong journey to understand and help others understand the human experience.

We got to talk about her diverse work experience and how she found her way into what she does today. Including her recent book about accomplishment and procrastination and how to reframe those concepts.

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In this episode you’ll learn:

  • What makes us feel the way we feel and why it matters
  • How Mary found her way into psychology as a young girl and the many twists and turns that her career has taken
  • How encouragement from a surprising place helped Mary become a psychoanalyst
  • The importance of mentors in helping you get through tough times
  • Why Mary thinks Dan should be a psychotherapist
  • The power of emotions to shape all of life, from your beliefs to career choices
  • How procrastination isn’t a bad thing
  • How to find success in your own approach to achievement, whether you procrastinate or not
  • The different ways that we are motivated and how to optimize your motivation style
  • The importance of remembering and celebrating your successes


– Mary’s book What Motivates Getting Things Done
Mary’s website
– Mary’s Psychology today blog
Shame: A Concealed, Contagious, and Dangerous Emotion


TheCallingCourse. com – a self paced experience that helps you navigate the biggest questions in your work and life. Get started for free with a the mini-course 5 Clues to Your Calling. At The Calling Course, you’ll uncover insights that align your passions with your purpose, empowering you to take meaningful steps towards your goals. The expert guidance offered in the course also includes strategies on how to overcome procrastination, ensuring you stay focused and motivated throughout your journey. Join our community of seekers and discover the clarity and confidence to create a fulfilling path in both your work and life.

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  1. This is a fascinating podcast discussion with a delightful woman psychoanalyst, who engages the impact of our emotions on how we all process experiences and tasks differently. At the start of a school term, I feel released to reframe what motivates me toward action without pathologizing it. In hearing Mary’s way of being in the world, I noticed my body relax and my soul begin to reconsider that where I am at in the journey and how I do “me” is just fine. I love Mary’s curiosity about the world and about Dan as well as her welcoming whatever comes in life as formative. Hearing from someone in a different stage of life is refreshing and reorienting when I, like many of us, am still finding my “sea legs.” I look forward to hearing from more delightfully seasoned people like Mary in future episodes.

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