Finding Kindness for your Story

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Many of us have not had a “conventional” journey- “conventional” being defined as the societal norm. Things just haven’t been ideal. We’ve had to work harder than we’re “supposed to”. We’ve had to go through more challenges than we’re “supposed to”. We’ve struggled more than we’re “supposed to”.

For many in the community here at The Meaning Movement, life has not taken us the way that we were told to expect.

Some in this community have wisdom from many years of such a journey. Others are just starting out.

Whoever you are, whatever your path has been – no matter how far from ideal and conventional – will you find kindness for it? Can you be grateful for the places it has taken you – for the things you have seen and experienced since you were not on the main road? Can you be grateful for the person you are becoming as a result?

The more I learn of myself and my own journey, the more I’m finding the need for kindness rather than self-deprecation. Letting yourself accept the places you have been and be grateful for the formation you’ve experienced through them is an important part of hearing your own voice and desires. By learning to be nice to yourself and the path you’ve traveled, a space opens for your future desires to occupy. You can’t hear those desires within you while you cast judgement upon yourself for the life you haven’t lived.

Learning to love the life you’ve lived in the past is a part of finding what has meaning for you in the future.

In the comments, share your experience with finding kindness for your story. Or, just chime in with anything you have to add (I want to hear from you! ). Click here to comment! Exploring your inner narratives can reveal profound insights about how kindness shapes your life. By reflecting on your experiences, you not only honor your journey but also inspire others to seek the light in their own stories. Let’s create a space for compassion and understanding as we share our tales of kindness.

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  1. I love this Dan. I have a bit of a hard time with this but in my trying I find it gets easier everyday remarkably. Thank you for the reminder.

  2. Yeah, in agreement with Anna- this is hard to do! And, for me personally moments of kindness and compassion are the most effective motivator for a day’s work, or a hopeful look at the future. Honestly, I feel quite purposeless lately, and this feels like the most helpful place to start- kindness.

  3. I love you
    I love you
    I love you – I tell my reflection in mirror

    After some time I stop feeling like an idiot.
    After some time
    I beging to believe love is for real.

    * * *
    What a good post, Dan. This is so important. Personally I think I am in a place where I can be accepting and even grateful for some of the very major bumps in the road I’ve had tho I’d never recommend anyone to go thru the same experience. This post is a good reminder to me to apply that same kindness towards myself in all areas of life; perhaps kindness roots out any possibility of resentment.

    Even if our souls were not eternal, there’s one person whom one will be around for a looong time – liking oneself surely makes life a lot more enjoyable 😉

  4. Finding kindness too except ,that we go along in motion with the loss of a loved one An when I came. along,my immediate older syblings had a lot of losses ,an being number nine , I realize now they were still going through the motions of loss, an my syblings (all 8 of them an bot my pare ts suffere too long in silence.)………we’re hurt emotionaly, physicaly, physcologicaly………..also my with my parents.?..HI?………l…… By the time I came along , my family,my own flesh an blood…..Hi………we’re still suffering in silence, … ……wer violent to me, only thing my family ever knew……………..bullied me, an wasn’t aware they were even doing it…………..?.felt sorry for them at the time an continued to go on to other relationships feel in sorry for ppl………….

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