So many of us have multiple passions that compete for time, attention, and resources — especially when it comes to our careers and work. So often we feel the need to choose one thing and leave behind all the rest in order to excel and succeed.
But what if you don’t actually have to choose? What if you can be successful at more than one pursuit at that same time?
This is a question I often ask myself. If you’ve listened to the show for some time, you’ll know that’s true about me.
Culture tends to push us toward the myth that we can only do one thing to be successful. And while there is a trade off involved in multiple pursuits, there’s also a synergy that can be present between projects.
Our guest today demonstrates that well. Calvin Nowell is both a singer and marketer. He pursues both in tandem as two parellel careers.
We get into his story, why he does what he does, how he got to meet Oprah, and so many other fantastic things. As we dive deeper into his journey, he shares invaluable lessons that have shaped his perspective on success and fulfillment. His experiences intertwine with powerful anecdotes, revealing the significance of resilience and passion in pursuing one’s dreams. Along the way, he also introduces us to ‘art and life insights from ileana,’ which offer a unique lens through which to see creativity and personal growth.
So let’s dive into it.
Listen in here:
Subscribe: iTunes | Google Play | Stitcher | Overcast | SpotifyIn this episode you’ll learn:
- What Calvin does
- How he navigates multiple careers
- His non-linear career path
- How he categorizes himself professionally
- How to battle doubts and negative emotions during transitions
- How to enjoy being creative in life
- The meaning of “collecting dots” in life
- Why you need to choose to “Be yourself”
- His experience meeting Oprah
- How The Meaning Movement touched Calvin’s life
- When is the right time for a change or to make a transition
Resources Mentioned:
Calvin’s website
Calvin’s Instagram
Calvin’s Twitter
Software Generated Transcription:
Calvin. Thank you so much for joining me. Welcome to The Meaning Movement podcast.
Thank you for having me. It’s such an honor. Thanks, Dan. I’m glad to be here.
So fun to connect. The question I’d like to begin with is, how do you begin to talk about what you do in the world?
Well, I am currently a founder and chief market officer at agency that I started called CMON.Creative. We’re a digital marketing agency and located in Franklin, Tennessee. And that’s what I do full time. And then I have a strong passion for music and entertainment. And I also sing professionally, and I kind of do that part time on the weekend.
So I love it. I love it. Yeah, I guess let’s just rewind here. So you’re running the marketing agency? Has that always been a focus of yours? When you were young, did you dream of running an agent, being an entrepreneur? Where did the story begin?
At four years old, I used to watch a TV show called Bewitched and the Manta Steve was the lead character. She was this witch magician? I don’t know what you want to call her. She was the main character, but her husband, Darren Stevens, he was advertising executive. And I used to love what he used to do for work. And every time he was going to work, he would come up with these campaigns. And ever since I was, like, four years old, I just thought that was really cool, of just coming up with commercials.
And so that’s really been my passion since I was little, which caused me to go to school to get a degree in marketing.
But then that’s when I found out I could sing. So I kind of got sidetracked with the music professionally and didn’t realize I can make it all work. And then I started working at different agencies in that time. And then I finally opened my own
Very cool.
I love it. I love it. It’s really fun. Just how I don’t know. You could correct me if I’m wrong here, but how linear. It seems like from an early age, you want to do this, and now you’re doing it. Has your path been as linear as that narrative?
No, it has not been easy, bro. Yeah, it has not been so easy as it sounds. I think what happened here, I knew I wanted to do marketing. And then when I went to College, I discovered that I could sing. And I think during that time, the message that people were giving you were focusing on one thing you can’t do both. And then I started to find out that I was able to do both. And so that kind of created some tension in my pursuit because I was like, Man, do I have to do all music or do I have to do our marketing?
Is there any way to do both and through a lot of ups and downs, ups and downs through technology. Thank God. I start to realize, wait a minute. You can do both nowadays. You can do what I was coming up, though.
I love it. I love it. Well, I feel like that’s where a lot of people are, right where we have these passions, these things that were like, okay, I would love to do this full time. Or maybe I need to maybe it’s my calling to do this thing, but then it’s really hard to make it. Or there’s other things that interest us as well. And we feel like we need to choose. And it sounds like you’ve kind of battled that message or that question for a long time, and I come to a place.
Yeah, I did, because I remember there was just saying that whatever you categorize, you cancel. And sometimes when you categorize yourself, it gives people a reason not to see the fullness of who you are, even on application and categorize yourself as white, black or anything. If people have a problem with it, they can totally not give you a chance because of the category. And I just kind of said, you know, I want people to give me a big category. I don’t want just a little. He sings.
And then that’s all they see in me. But there was so much more to me. So I’ve been kind of fighting that war, but I think it’s working out now starting to come full circle. So I’m grateful.
I love it. Let’s just rewind some of these transitions because I think that there’s something really good. There are so much in your story to resonate with you because he’s such a common struggle. Should I do this or should I do that? So when you’re just starting down the path towards thinking after you decide to go after that for a little while, what does that look like? Where were some of the points where you had to sacrifice for that. Tell me a little bit more about that story.
So I grew up in Cincinnati, and I’ve always liked music, but I never sang around anybody. So I never sang around my parents or anybody. And so I went to College, and I had a good personality, and everybody was like, Man, you should run for this pageant, Mister and miss, you know, something, something on campus. And I take the bait because the upper classmen thought I was nice and cool, and I was like, oh, okay. I was like, I’ll do it. And then they were like, then they were like, Well, you got to do a talent, and I’m like, oh, my gosh, I don’t know what I’m going to do.
I was like, Maybe I’ll do a dramatic reading. And my best friend was like, Bro, don’t do that. Don’t do a poem. And I was like, okay, I don’t know what to do. And I had joined the choir that year just to meet friends. So making a long story short, I did the competition, saying in the talent competition and won the talent competition, and my family was sitting there like, Are you kidding me? We are the worst parents in the world. We did not know our son should sing and not only could sing, but can really, really sing, and they were just blown away.
And so I got this gift of singing late in life in College. So it was kind of throwing a wrench and everything because I’m studying marketing. But then I discovered this new gift and what can I do with it? So I kind of went through that path. Make a long story short. I wind up going to Nashville, living in Nashville, Tennessee, where I’m at. And I started doing music professionally. And it just brought me in front of great people. I’ve traveled and saying, with Michael W Smith for many years.
Just until last month, I finally kind of retired. I’ve sing with CC Winans. I sing with Stevie Wonder, Michael McDonald. I mean, you name them cool. I say with a lot of a listers. And it’s been cool. I love music. And when I got into music, a lot of people were asking me, how was I doing my career? Because I was doing it independently. And so I had a lot of artists asking me to coach them, which turned into management for a particular season. So I had walked through the season and managing because I kept helping everybody figure out what they needed to do.
And I realized that when I was managing the thing that I did good and managing artists was their marketing. And so that’s when I just said, you know what? I love marketing so much. Still there that’s when I decided to go work at other agencies. And I kind of working for bigger agencies or people that had bigger bandwidth than I did. And just in the last year, I was at a conference. And it was Oprah Winfrey conference in January 2020. And I was kind of going into the New Year like, man, I need a word for the you, I need God to speak to me or tell me something, or I’m really big on New Year’s resolutions.
And so anyway, I was at this conference, and she just said, this powerfully. She said, this is the year that you bet on yourself. And she said, and double down on it like believing yourself and doubled down. And she kind of told her story of how she got into television. And a lot of people didn’t believe that she was going to be successful. But she did. And so then even worked out in her favor. And she negotiated her terms. She would challenge them like, hey, if I reach certain amount of quota, will you give me 50%?
And they were like, You’ll never make it okay. But if I do. And every year her contract renewed, she got all the way to the end where she owned. And then she says, I’m telling you what I know better yourself and believe in yourself. And that was, honestly, dad, the thing in 2020 that made me say, you know what? I’m just gonna step out your own faith. And I’m going to start my own company. And I started, CMON Creative. And yes, it sounds like, c’mon, you know, and I think it was one of the things where I was trying to be fancy cool.
But at first I was like, you know what I say? C’mon, all the time. It’s like when I see something great, I’m like, come on, c’mon Dan. That’s my personality. And so people were like, do you say, c’mon, every 5 seconds, that’s the who we know you are. And so I just said, it’s just going to be me. And it’s CMON Creative. And I want to take away the apostrophe because I want to break the rules. I didn’t like the way I look with apostrophes.
It just seems M-O-N Creative. And that’s kind of how I got to it. And it’s been great so far. You were over a year, and it’s going good.
Cool. I love it. Love it. Wow. What a fun leap you’ve taken. And what a fun challenge from Oprah. What a great place to receive that challenge that you were looking for. Yeah.
It sounds pretty crazy. Yeah.
So at this point in your life, you’re kind if it feels like you’ve really resolved, maybe the tension between your marketing pursuits and your music pursuits and have just accepted that you’re just going to do both these things, you’re just going to be maybe a dual passion or dual career.
Yeah, definitely.
With the technology and everything, I just felt like, you know what sky is the limit. I’m not ABC. I’m D. All the above, and I just do music. I love to do music as a hobby. That doesn’t mean I don’t do a lot of it. It just means I just don’t let it be my anchor and my identity. I do music.
Yeah. I was going to ask just about the identity piece because I feel similar. I’ve got a lot of things that I’ve got this podcast, I’ve got a couple of entrepreneurial projects. I have a hard time answering this. It’s so funny because I always ask this question, how do you begin to talk about what you do for me to answer that question? I’m like, it takes a long time to go through all of it. It’s hard to explain. It’s the identity piece. I think that’s always just really interesting, because always has something to do with identity.
There’s always a piece of ourselves and what we do. Do you struggle with that? Like how you articulate, how you talk about when you meet somebody at a party, going to many parties. I guess in the last year. But you meet somebody at a party, and how do you talk about it? Where do you start.
Man, that is a struggle. That is always sometimes I just weight which audience would better hear the story? Do I start with marketing or do I start with music? But lately I’ve just been kind of doing the marketing thing lately. I definitely struggle with it. And I always answer it honestly. I was like, Man, that’s a load of question. I also understand on the advertising agency, and I do music professionally.
I just say those two, and then hopefully they’re inquisitive what kind of music or what kind of marketing. And then I just kind of go into a more detailed pitch of what kind of marketing we do. We have specializations and entertainment industry. And so I kind of tell the same story of I’m kind of the guy that does all the above. And so that’s great for some people. Some people are, like, specialize in a da da da. Or if they hear you saying it’s like, I feel like I missed opportunities because they were like, oh, my gosh, you sound incredible.
Why are you doing marketing? You should just be singing. And I’m like, Well, I’m a marketer that studies the trend. And unfortunately, music is not what it used to be as far as making a living. You know what I mean? You go, it’s an entertainment business. It’s not the music business anymore. It’s entertainment business. So you have to embrace all of it.
Yeah. I feel from music, business is like one of the hardest places to actually make a decent living, support a family, support yourself. Do you feel like if things had worked out differently or if we’re one in the billions, that actually you can really make it because you’ve had a ton of success, right? You’ve gotten to the top. Do you feel like if things had been different and you were making more, if I could just ask it bluntly, I would you just be doing music and not be doing marketing?
No, I wouldn’t just be doing music. It’s just I love helping.
Just love it. I love that.
And so it’s kind of like I look up at Oprah Winfrey, and I feel like I’m little Calvin Winfrey, like, I want to help people. I want to help people rest their full potential. So I would probably be doing music at a grand level. But I would also be trying to help people to reach their dreams just because that’s how I wired.
I love. I love that. It’s related to that question. I’m curious, how do you think about words like calling or passion or purpose fulfillment? Whichever words that you use to talk about your work? How do you think about those words when it comes to your choice of how you’re going to spend your time with things you’re going to pursue.
Passion? I think passion is something that’s big for me. I know that I’m called to help release potential in people, and I know that I’m called to honestly, Dan, not to be super deep and spiritual, but I feel like I’m called to create healing, like, not like laying your hands on people, you know, that kind of feeling, but just creatively, creative, whether that’s music or whether that’s marketing. And coming up with the campaign for a podcast that really helps people become better in their life, I feel like being creative is the thing that makes me feel like I’m healing people.
Like, I’m working on a TV special thing that’s honoring Whitney Houston. I can talk about it, but it’s honoring Whitney Houston and one of the angles and direct. And it was just like, let’s just make an episode that says, Whitney, you were loved. You were loved and kind of just letting the episode be more about people just saying how much they really love you and let that be out there versus all the drama that we know of. But I take pride and the creativity part of that.
And so I feel like that’s calling I feel like that’s a solution I can bring into the Earth, is healing and just helping people reach their potential. So I don’t know if that answer, but that would be mine.
No, it’ a great answer. I love it. I love it. Do you have a phrase or a mantra or a mission statement to create healing or something related to that? Or is there another way that you phrase it?
I got so many things that I like to say, yeah. Okay. So from a marketing, I’ll give it to you in, like, marketing and emotional. Yeah. I’ll break it off in category. So when I’m doing marketing, I’m really big on perception, determines reception. So how people perceive you determines how they receive you. When I’m really trying to dig deep in the lives of people, I love this. And I learned this through therapy. You can’t connect the dots until you collect the dots. So a lot of times, we sometimes we’re trying to connect the dots, but we don’t have all the dots.
And I’m trying to teach people, hey, the reason why this isn’t making sense is because you’re just missing dots. If you just get a couple of dots and makes sense of what you went through in the past or the anxiety or what you did went through as a child, it’ll make sense. Oh, that’s right. Okay. So this happened when I was eight, and everybody told me it wasn’t enough, and that’s what I believe. From eight to 40. There it is. Like, Oh. And then that’s where scriptures start to make sense because you collected the dot, that this is what happened.
And then you’re like, oh, now I see how all things work together, for the good, I get it now. So that’s kind of how I kind of compartmentalized things. It’s like there’s just something that I need to learn that is not making sense. And so it causes me to step back a little bit and do look inward versus outward. I’m real big. I struggle with my weight. That’s not a secret. I’m really bold about it. But even though I struggle with my weight, I think one thing that I do is I work in a lot better than I work out.
So I tell people you got to work in just as much as you work out. So that’s the kind of way I see things and see life a little bit is what can I do to be? And then also, too, I always say I created us to be solutions to problems. So if you’re not being a solution, then your problem. When I see things that I’m frustrated by, I’m just wondering, ask myself, Is there something that I could do to fix that? And that’s the easy way for me to find out what I’m called to do of just being a solution to problem is what I love to see.
I love that. That’s fantastic. Maybe another related question to ask is if we could put a message on the on a Billboard on the moon that everyone would see when they look up at the sky, everyone in the whole entire world. What would your message be to everyone?
Man, that’s so good. Probably I would think over to be yourself, be yourself.
I love that.
And I think that you’re already made uniquely so you don’t even have to compete with anybody because you don’t look like you already got a leg up because you’re uniquely yourself. And I think we’re afraid to become who we really are. We feel like as we grow as a kid, I got to do it the way mom and dad does. It have to be like, I have to be like them. No, they’re just modeling it, you know, they’re just guiding you. But really, we want to see you emerge, you know?
So that’s what I would say. Be yourself.
Yeah. I love that. I love that you said the phrase, you already have a leg up. And I just think that is such a cool mindset for your life. If you actually believe that about yourself, right? That could change a person.
And you know what happened? Then there was a season. As I was work. I was like, Man, it’s just hard to find good workers or people that you could just, ahh. I remember a season where I kept saying, I just wish I could call myself, I just wish I could have another Calvin or two or three of us. We would conquer the world. And the more I kept saying it was like, So you really believe in the kind of person you are that can get the work done.
And I’m like, yeah, but I was still working for other people, but wishing I had me to work under me. Yeah, totally. And so then I was just like, you know what? It’s not my talent. It’s me. It’s in me. It’s me. I don’t know the other questions you have. But is it a good time to talk about this strategy of making believe my 2021 strategy?
Yeah, sure. Jump in.
Let’s do it in 2021. So remember I had said to myself, I said, I’m going to believe in myself in 2020. So 2021, I’m just like, well, what does that look like in believe in yourself? And I was really big on the word belief for 2021. And it’s kind of like the thing that I told you earlier about, I had to create healing. I felt like, I need to create belief. I need to create it. And I believe this belief is not a feeling. It’s a decision.
You decide. You decide to believe, same thing with confidence. You don’t get confidence in a feeling. You decide you make a decision. Like, I’m doing this. So this year, I said, I’m just going to create or make believe. And then I had an epiphany. I was like, oh, make beliefs like, oh, like, make believe. You know, like, and I always was dreaming on pretending. Remember, I’m the four year old kid dad that would dream and dream and dream. And but then people tell you don’t dream.
So I finally I remember watching this Oprah Winfrey episode, and it was just talking about how you don’t become what you want. You become what you believe is possible. And I just thought about that one day. And so I started I said, Man, and marketing. The big thing right now is content is King. Content is King. And our thing in our office is, yes, content is King. But attention is Queen. Like, the next thing is, how do you get people’s attention? So with all of that listening to overwhelm free talking about believe.
And I just said, you know what? I’m going to make a puppet series because nobody is doing a lot of puppets. I’m going to create a puppet series of me, and my team is just something that I can live through the puppet because I didn’t want to be on camera living through myself, looking at my weight, struggling. So I basically made this puppet animated series to make believe. Well, it’s basically me just pretending, what would it be like if I met Gary Vee and I go on YouTube and get a bunch of clips of Gary Vee?
He has a conversation with me. Not really. But I make it up. I had a conversation with Gary Vee. Well, episode number two, I had a conversation with Oprah. I said, what would it be like if Oprah Winfrey stopped by my office? What would it be like? And I was like, I took some clips from the Internet, and I just said, Man, if she really stopped by my office, I would scream, I would flip out, and I would I would go nuts. So we did this episode where we just went crazy acting like idiots.
That Oprah stopped by our office. Well, then a week later, it didn’t even go viral. It didn’t even get 100 views. A week later, I’m getting an email from Oprah magazine saying, we love what you did. We love to interview you. Hey, yes. Is there any way that we can interview you on Zoom or Skype or whatever? And just to hear the back story? And I said, Absolutely. So I’m doing the back story than and I’m talking to the guy for, like, ten minutes, and then all of a sudden, his screen goes away, and the next person that comes on the screen is Oprah.
It’s Oprah. Dan, it’s Oprah. And I’m freaking out. And I’m like, wow. And I’m literally like, and it’s all on my website. You can see it. I’m like, oh, my gosh, this is unbelievable. This is Oprah. I can’t believe this is happening. This is happening. And so we had this long conversation, and it felt like I knew her. It felt like she knew me. And I just couldn’t believe what was happening. And she just was saying all these positive things. And then she said, this. I was like, yeah, you know, I do this.
I sing. She said, oh, yes, I know you can sing. You don’t just sing. You can sing. And I said, oh, no way, no way. You know I sing. She said, oh, yeah. I did my research. Come on. I did my eyes. And then it was just like, all of a sudden, all my gifts were being seen. It was like, I was being known for the marketing, but I was also being known for the singing. And at the end of the call, basically, she just thanked me.
She said, what you did for me was better than me winning an Academy Award. I just want to thank you, praise you. And she said, we will work together again when Covids over, we’re gonna have a core of celebration, and I’m gonna bring you on stage to sing and to celebrate. And Dan, I’m freaking out. Right.
So did you have any idea she was going to jump in that call?
No, I had no idea, no idea. And it was like, life imitating part. It was like she reached out to her magazine to say, hey, I want to surprise this guy because she said she watched it three times. And all I could say was, it was the validation Dan, that I needed that I’ve been wanting for a long time, just because she’s the mother in my head. I remember I’m Calvin Winfrey. But then to hear her say on the call, Calvin, you are now a part of my legacy.
And I’m just like.
That gives me all the feelings. Wow. Yeah. And I watched that clip, and I’ll make sure to link up to it in the show notes so people can see it. What a beautiful story. Especially because it’s Oprah. Sounds like to you. There’s no one better. There’s no one, you couldn’t get better than this.
To the point where I was asking, God, I was like, God, I’m not about to die, am I? Because this is the pinnacle of my bucket list. I don’t have anywhere to go after this. Yeah, it was mind blowing. I was blown away. But at the same time, even if I don’t work with her, I even if nothing comes out of it, it gave me the acknowledgement. Like, you got the super power. Yeah. You can make belief. You can create it. You can create your path.
You can create your destiny. All these things will work together. You know, you just gotta believe in yourself and bet on yourself and do it, you know? And that’s where I learned from her. And that’s what I’m seeing in my life and in my business. And even with our clients, we’re just making belief.
I love it. I love it. Bet on yourself and do it. What incredible, incredible story. An incredible challenge to me. I think I need to take that home and ask myself, like, how can I better myself in ways in bigger and better way again.
I want to say this to you. You did because I’ve known you for a while, remotely online. But it was because there was a guy named Dan Cumberland that was wanting to live out loud about being fearless. I remember when your fearless February is why I connected with you. It was kind of like a guide for me back then, Dan, that just because I agree with what you were trying to say and do. And it was a season where I needed to hear that. Let’s not be afraid because I did with fear a lot.
So I just want to thank you for the things that you put into the Earth. You know, those are really pivotal seasons when you were doing that.
So awesome. Yeah, well, it’s come full circle because now you’re speaking to me here, Galvin and giving me the challenge to take it to the next level. It’s about myself in new and bigger ways.
We can make it happen.
But maybe I led you then you’re leading me now. So thank you.
Likewise. And we can continue to teach and learn from each other. Man, you’re great at what you do, though. You know what I I mean? I feel like, man, I should know him. He should be bigger than what he is. That’s what I thought when I first met you.
That’s cool. That’s so cool. Well, thank you for that. That’s such an amazing compliment, especially coming from yourself. Well, I know people hit play on the show and they’re in a place where they’re up against something and they’re trying to figure out what’s next. And maybe they’re in a work situation that’s not working for them. They’re thinking about a job change, career change or just something. And they don’t know. What have you ever been in a place where you felt you’re really stuck in some way? Or do you have any words of wisdom whether maybe it’s a story when you’ve been there or words of wisdom for people who are in that kind of space.
I have a great story change in transition. So about a couple of years ago, I’ve been feeling these transitions of, like, Do I stay here? Do I go here? How do I make the next happen? And it was a New Year’s Eve. I was in San Diego, and I was at my friend Bob Goff’s house. He’s an author, and
I know I’ve read his books. I don’t know him, but his books are fantastic.
Yeah. And he’s a friend of mine. And I was at his house on New Year’s Eve, and I asked the same question. I said, I don’t know what else I’m suppose to do next. I can’t figure it out. I got this. I got this. And I don’t know if I need to quit this and let this one go. And he said to me, he said, Calvin, did you see the lemon tree when you walk into my house in the front yard? I said, yeah, I did see that.
I was like, Man, you got a lemon tree out here? He said, yeah, we got lemons right in front of our yard. And he said, how do you pick a lemon tree? And I said, Well, I guess you just go up to it. And when you think it’s ripe, you pick it. He said, That’s incorrect. I said, okay, well, how do you pick a lemon tree?
He said, when a lemon is ripe, it will fall to the ground. So the ripe lemons are on the ground. You pick them from the ground, not from the tree. And he said, when things are ripe and ready, they’ll just fall and just left them to fall. And I just thought that was so profound because there were things that just hadn’t failed to the ground yet. And I was ready to pick them off the tree and Lo and behold, a week or two after I was with Bob, one of the decisions just fell on the ground.
And it wasn’t the one I would have picked. Yeah, I was like, oh, my gosh. I was getting ready to leave this one. And it was this one that fell, not the other one. And so when it fell to the ground, that’s when I just knew, like, you know what? This is the path that I should go. Somebody said, hey, we need to let you go and you lose a job and you’re like, Well, there it was that was I didn’t have to leave it. It left me.
And that was kind of what happened for me in that season. And it may help somebody that just needs to wait and let the chips fall where they need to fall, especially when you know what’s getting ready to happen either way.
Yeah. What I hear from that is you may be a challenge to be more patient. I don’t force it till things are lined up until it’s like.
Yeah, especially when, you know, is getting ready. Getting ready. I mean, you could feel the tension when you’re like, okay, my boss is going to say something. I’m going to say something. Employee, don’t say something and we’re in the heat of it. I think those things will really take this place. It could be, man. We didn’t see how to eye, and he wanted to remove me from the project. And unfortunately, that was the answer that I needed, because some of us stay too long and we’re loyal to a fall.
And sometimes the confrontation of things is what made me move on many times because I would stay forever. But sometimes I’ve had to get kicked out of jobs to get me to the next thing to do.
That’s good. Well, it’s a great word of wisdom for people that are listening. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you for that. Well, since we moved to Wrap up again, it’s just been so fun. So fun if I connect after all these years and to staying connected for sure for people that are wanting to have more of you in their life. Is there anything you’d like to invite people to anyways? You’d like to have them follow along?
Yeah. You can find me on Instagram at C alvin Noel, C-A-L-V-I-N-N-O-W-E-L-L. And my company is CMON Creative. C-M-O-N Creative. And our website is just That’s our website. And yeah, please follow us. Send us messages. If you have any questions or thoughts or need encouragement, we love to hear from you.
I love it as far as your agency, who’s your target demographic? I think you had mentioned entertainment and music. Possibly, but is there anyone in particular that’s, like, your dream customer that might be out there listening?
We do a lot of small business midsize businesses. Of course, I would love the big ones, like 90 or something like that, but I just feel like we have a slant of entertainment, but we do all from health care to businesses to entertainment. I think the entertainment just helps us to make it a little more cooler, a little more relevant. You know, we love entertainment, but we love business in general. So we love reaching out to brands that are looking for influencers and entertainment. Kind of doing brand partnerships that’s kind of like our sweet spot, you know.
I love it. That’s perfect. Well, I’ll make sure to link up to everything in the show notes that people can click on through and follow along. Kevin, thank you so much for everything that you do be in such an inspiration to me personally and just keep at it and really appreciate having you here on the show.
Thank you. Daniel, have a great day. Has been awesome privilege to be on your show.
Thanks so much.
All right. Bye.