Money, Debt, & Identity with Cait Flanders

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When Cait Flanders decided to stop spending money for a year, everything changed.  What started as a personal experiment with money, turned into a transformational journey and ultimately a book deal.

Today on the podcast, I dig into that experience with Cait, along with things like money, debt, and how important it is to define success for yourself, your work, and especially your money. We discuss the challenges many face when trying to balance financial goals with personal satisfaction, highlighting the importance of establishing a clear vision for what success looks like in our own lives. Cait shares her insights on creating a portfolio life strategies that can help individuals navigate the complexities of modern financial landscapes while prioritizing well-being. By rethinking our traditional notions of success, we can forge a path that aligns more closely with our values and aspirations.

I was floored by Cait’s honesty at so many moments in the interview— as I’m sure you’ll hear.  She speaks the truth with humility and courage.  I left feeling very moved and inspired, and think you will too.

Listen in here:

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In this episode you’ll learn:

  • What Cait does?
  • How she gets to do the amazing things she does
  • How to be a great freelance writer
  • Her journey to become a full-time freelancer
  • What she did before writing
  • How to talk about finances with family
  • How she looks at debt and having debt
  • Reasons why we don’t talk about debt
  • How she faced her debt head-on
  • How to start the journey of dealing with debt
  • Cait’s view on a balanced approach towards saving
  • Why she doesn’t save 20% of her income
  • How writing her book shaped her thoughts about spending money
  • How Cait deals with money now
  • Important questions you should ask yourself before spending
  • What are the things Cait buys now that differ from the past
  • Why and when to buy things
  • What do calling, career, and passion mean for Cait?
  • What is the sense of writing of what it is she has to say?
  • What is her advice for people who are facing personal debt?

Resources Mentioned:

Cait’s Website

Cait’s Twitter

Cait’s Instagram

Books mentioned:

The Year of Less: How I Stopped Shopping, Gave Away My Belongings, and Discovered Life is Worth More Than Anything You Can Buy in a Store by Cait Flanders

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