In this interview I welcome guest Lion Goodman to explore his career and his expertise on engaging with and changing beliefs.
I had so much fun talking with Lion and also got to experience one of the techniques he uses first hand. It was an interesting experience. We worked on a personal story that I’ve done some work around. It’s one of those formational stories that requires repeated engagement to heal from. This was a small taste of that.
I want to offer a content warning on this, as Lion shares a pretty traumatic experience from his life that may not be ideal for some listeners.
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Subscribe: Apple | Google Play | Stitcher | Overcast | Spotify | AmazonIn this episode you’ll learn:
- What Lion does
- What are beliefs and how they function
- Where beliefs come from
- The people who inspired him in his Journey
- A life changing experience that transformed his beliefs
- Lion’s career background
- How he started his career in becoming a Transformational Coach
- How did Lion got his name
- How to change your beliefs from the inside-out
- How much can someone accomplish on their own and when to work with a professional
Resources Mentioned:
Lion’s website
Software Generated Transcription:
Dan: Lion. Welcome to the show. I’m so excited to have you on the podcast. Welcome to the Meaning Movement.
Lion: Thank you, Dan. I’m happy to be here.
Dan: The first question. Well, actually, I’m gonna ask you a different question than I literally just told you. I was gonna ask you this question. The first question is, is your name actually lion?
Lion: It actually is lion. Yes, it’s not the name my parents gave me, but it is my actual name.
Dan: Oh, that’s I love, I want to, well, I’m gonna circle back to that because I want to hear more about, about that choice and, um, and yeah. How, how you became come, come to know that of yourself and be known by that in the world. The. Told you, I would start with is how do you begin to talk about the work that you.
Lion: Well, I talk about, uh, what beliefs are, where they come from and why we have them. Uh, most people think about beliefs as mental constructs, you know, like. I believe in more government or I believe in less government. Uh, but beliefs are much more than that. They’re. Multidimensional constructs that the mind has used from the very beginning to put together the world and ourselves, and you know, how do we relate to other people?
So the problem is, is that a lot of the constructs that we created early in life aren’t working anymore. So these are the old programs, like I’m not worthy or, uh, there’s something wrong with me or. I can only do what dad did.
Dan: Yeah.
Lion: so most people are stopped from moving forward in their life. Not by circumstances cuz there’s lots of possibilities out there.
But by these internal programs, these internal beliefs that limit them from expanding, being themselves, diving into new territory, becoming courageous, or just finding meaning in their.
Dan: I love that. That’s so, so, uh, on, on, on topic for, for me, Work for, you know, I feel like the, the work that I’m doing, even in my own life right now. And so I’m super excited to dig into all of that. What, what, uh, how does that work, um, manifest itself? Like what are the, what are the, the tools that you’re using the vehicles that you use to, to help people around these beliefs?
Lion: Well, first of all, I, I teach these tools to other coaches, therapists and healers, because I wanted to spread them. Cuz they’re so good. They work so well that I wanted to spread them as widely as possible. So I’ve trained over 500 people around the world, 45 different countries in this methodology, I call the clear beliefs method.
And the reason it came about was I was trying to fix. From a very early age. I was trying to, I knew there was something wrong with
Dan: aren’t we all right. Aren’t we all just trying to fix ourselves?
Lion: uh, and, and that’s one of the most common beliefs is there’s something wrong with me and there’s a good explanation for that. Um, so from a very early age, I was trying to figure out what that was and how to fix it.
And so over time, I took more than a hundred different trainings and workshops and programs. And. Different studied with different teachers. Uh, when I went to college, I studied neuroscience and as well as psychology and philosophy and religions and everything, I could get my hands on. Cause I was trying to understand myself and the world.
And I was really fortunate. And I had an early teacher when I was 19 years old who asked me, what is the nature of human nature? He said, if you can answer that question, you. Do well in the world. And so that was my quest is try to understand the nature of human nature. And so that’s what I’ve been up to.
I found my answers, the answers that worked best for me, tried it on other people. It worked best for them. So that’s how I brought this technology together.
Dan: I love that. So how, how would you today answer that question of what is the nature of human nature?
Lion: uh, the nature of human nature is multidimensional that we’re not one kind of creature. We’re we have our physical aspect, our mental aspect, our emotional aspect, our spiritual aspect, our energetic aspect, our car aspect. Social and cultural programming aspects. So we we’re very complex creatures and we follow certain patterns.
So if we can, if we just follow the patterns in our lives, we are very limited because our patterns were structured to limit us. But what’s possible is to unlimit ourselves and to change those patterns. But it’s not easy. You have to have the right technology and there’s a lot of wrong. And not useful technologies out there.
Dan: I love it. I love it. So let’s just kind of rewind a little bit just to, to ask, you know, so I, I understand you went, I went to college kind of exploring around, around these paths. I’m sure there’s a lot that took place. Those those early, early years of, of career for you to, to, you know, really creating content around this co teaching coaches, um, doing coaching yourself, writing books, all the things that you’re you’re doing now, can you just narrate a little bit of, like, what is your, what has your career trajectory been?
What, what are some of the major movements along the way?
Lion: Well, the greatest crunch point came when I was 26 years old. AF I had graduated from college with a degree in consciousness studies back in 1975, and nobody was hiring people with degrees in consciousness studies
Dan: Yes.
Lion: so I didn’t know what to do with myself. And so I had tried an entrepreneurial business when I was first in college that failed and I was kind of wandering around as a traveling salesman, just.
Find myself and I traveled around, uh, about 15 different states around the Southwest. And, um, I was, I really was lost. I didn’t know what I was doing. I was having a good time traveling in a, in a RV van and, and, uh, selling goods to stores. Uh, but it wasn’t satisfying and it certainly didn’t meet my intellectual needs.
It was just something to do to make money. And, uh, so I was 26 years old and whenever I traveled, I would stop and help people whose cars were broken down on the road. And this happened when I was heading from Las Vegas into LA, I stopped and helped this guy whose car had broken down the middle of the Mojave desert.
And, um, his car was broken. So I gave him a ride and we ended up traveling together for three days and I grew to trust him and send him on errands and that kind of thing. And the third night out, he pulled out a gun and shot me four times in the.
Dan: Whoa. Whoa. I did not see that coming. That’s a, that’s a twist in the
Lion: Neither did I
Dan: Yeah.
Lion: if I had, I made different choices.
Dan: Yeah.
Lion: Uh, and so, uh, this was a, I had an out of body experience. I knew I was gonna die. So I was out in the. And the other dimensions looking down at this little scene going, that’s very interesting. Uh,
Dan: Wow.
Lion: the fourth bullet hit me and I was back in my body and I didn’t understand why.
And so I, I, I felt okay. I felt intact and I had studied neuroscience. So I knew that had the bullets gone through my brain, I would be missing something. So I, I was looking for what’s missing and nothing seemed to be missing. So I said, well, if I’m gonna die, I’m gonna turn and face my assassin. And so I picked up my head and I looked over to him and he freaked out and he said, why aren’t you dead?
You’re supposed to be dead. And I said, uh, here I am, cuz I didn’t have a good answer for that. Uh, and uh, he was completely freaked out. And so I ended up to cut the short story, very short. It’s a long story. Um, we ended up talking for eight hours after this happened and we both were transforming during that time.
I was transforming. I was changing. He was changing and we ended up, uh, shaking hands and parting, and I took myself to the hospital. So from an out body experience to that happening, uh, it was pretty transformational.
Dan: Wow. Uh, man, I just, that is, that is just a wild, one of the wildest stories I’ve I’ve ever heard. And, um, I mean, transformation also traumatic. I mean, that’s like, um, that’s the kind of stuff that like, it takes you a long time to, to process and to work through and to come to terms with.
Lion: Yeah, it took me a month. Uh, but one of the reasons why it was not traumatic was because I was fully present for the entire. Experience and trauma is often caused by us leaving our bodies or going away from the experience cuz it was too painful. And, and then it gets stuck in the psyche. So I was fully present at every moment, including being out of body and coming back in body and talking. I consciously navigated each moment, allowing myself to process the emotions as they arose. This awareness not only helped me avoid the pitfalls of dissociation, but it also allowed me to extract invaluable lessons from the experience. Reflecting on my journey, the pandemic front line work insights I gained were profound, reminding me of the resilience of the human spirit even in the most challenging times.
And so there really wasn’t anything, much left to process. So I was able to find a job and go back, go to work within a.
Dan: Wow. What, what do you, how do you account for that for your ability to be present in the midst of such a crazy, uh, event?
Lion: I had already studied meditation and yoga and spiritual, spiritual, different paths and religions and my mind and my brain. And so I was an active student of consciousness. In fact, my degree is in consciousness studies. So I was already awakening. I will put it that way. I was already in that process. So, um, uh, I also understood death and dying and death didn’t scare me.
It was just, oh, that that’s the next thing that happens. And so none of it freaked me out. And the one thing I’m I remember most clearly is that I did not want to die with anger or upset. I wanted to die clean. Cuz I knew that any anger upset would cause me to stiffen up. Not have a clean exit. Right. And so I kept relaxing and I kept being in the light of that transition.
And so when the fourth bullet hit me, instead of going through my brain, it actually pushed my head over and the bullet glanced off my skull, which is how I survived. So part of it was being relaxed in the middle of the experience and the other part was accepting and being present to what was happen.
Dan: Yeah. So it sounds like in some ways you you’re saying you, you had done your work, you were had already, um, uh, yeah. Prepared your mind, I guess, for, for handling, uh, whatever life could throw at you. And this seems like quite a, quite a
curve ball.
Lion: it was, it was a, it was a good test.
Dan: Yeah. Wow. Wow. So, so then let’s, let’s just keep connecting some of the dots here from, from that experience.
And, you know, and at that point you were, you were doing sales and things like that. Like, tell me more about like what the other, the other roles you’ve held as, as kind of your, your work. I assume, kind of began to focus more and more on this kind of, you know, consciousness and, and, um, you know, the work that you do now.
Lion: Well, interestingly, I went the other direction. Um, I had been kind of a spiritual hippie traveling around and, uh, it wasn’t very grounded. So this experience actually grounded me and I, and I became a head hunter, which is kind of ironic after having my head hunted.
Dan: yeah, not a, you didn’t become a literal headhunter, but yes, yes.
Lion: Yeah.
Dan: A
placement. Yeah. For HR
Lion: Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So I kind of stumbled into that, uh, because I didn’t know what else to do. And that became my career for 25 years. And I eventually built my own business. I built a million dollar practice, uh, doing executive search. Uh, my specialty was healthcare and information systems.
Uh, and so that I became a man. I wanted to become a really good head under then I wanted to become a good manager, then a good leader. And so that was my. Path for
Dan: your tr. I love that. I love that. And so let’s just, you know, kind of connect the dots there from, from that path to, to where you are now. What, when did that wrap up? Why did it wrap up? And, and when did your focus, your current focus, you know, emerge as a professional, you know, pursuit?
Lion: I like to say that I was a head hunter for 25 years and I should have ended it after 20
Dan: Yeah.
Lion: that I was that I, I was getting bored. I was doing the same thing. I was good at what I did. I had a company, you know, we were thriving. Uh, everything was great. And then the dot bomb happened,
Dan: Mm.
Lion: dot crash and all of my clients stopped hiring people.
And so I went from having a million dollar business to the next year, having a quarter million dollar business to the next year, having a zero business. And during that time, I was kind of flailing around going, what do I do now? And my girlfriend at, at the time, uh, was teaching people how to do coaching.
And she said, you ought to be a coach. I said, I don’t know anything about coaches coaching. And she said, I don’t wanna coach anymore. I’m gonna give you my clients. Of course, you know what you’re doing? You’ve had all that and been working with executives. So here here’s my client list. And so , so I, I started coaching and I found out that I loved it.
It was actually the best part of what I had done before of interviewing people and finding the right people for the right people. Uh, so I got to use everything. I. Learned and developed and grown into in my own personal development plus everything I had learned about executives and business and that sort of thing.
And so I became a really good executive coach. And then I, as I was bringing in all this technology from my self development years, I realized I’ve got some really special tools here that can create massive transformation quickly and permanently. And so that became my passion.
Dan: I love that. And I love how, you know, like you said, you use everything from your experience as a head hunter it’s it’s like, it’s, it’s real, always amazing to see how life, uh, tends tends to do that. Like that, that we’re, we don’t know what we’re preparing for, but we’re being prepared and we are preparing ourselves.
Yeah. And, and then at some point, Something emerges out of, out of all the odds and ends that we’ve collected, um, along the way, which is just really cool to see in, in your story.
Lion: Thank you.
Dan: I’m curious, um, just to kind of circle, uh, all the way back to my actual first question. When did you start to, I it’s just about your, about your name.
When did, when did you come to be called lion to, to find that as your identity and find, and have that as your name?
Lion: Uh, as I mentioned, my first teacher who asked me that question, what’s the nature of human nature. He had a school in the mountains of Colorado. called the adventure trails, survival school and brain laboratory and yeah, he was, he was an amazing guy. He was a genius. Uh, three degrees from university of Chicago had been in world war II as a.
As an army, you know, guy going across enemy lines and killing Germans, uh, and opening up places like Auschwitz. And so he had an amazing background and he took me on as kind of an apprentice. And, um, and one of the parts of his school on the mountain was that you chose a medicine name like the Indians did when they went through a, a transf.
And so, um, so that’s how my name came to me as I was thinking, well, what’s my medicine name. I don’t know anything about medicine. I don’t know anything about Indians. I’m a, a Jewish kid from the suburbs of Denver so what do I know from those things?
Dan: Yeah.
Lion: So I was walking through the woods saying what, what’s my, what’s my medicine name.
And I heard lion and I went lion. I don’t remember anything about lions. Uh, you know, it’s. Well, they’re in the zoo, you know, , that’s all I knew. Uh, and so I said, well, if that’s my potential, then it’s certainly dormant at the moment. So I called myself sleeping lion and, uh, and over, over time it changed until it, I just grew into the, the name and it, it became my name.
And I was about 20, 24.
Dan: I love it. So you’ve yeah. So that’s been with you for, for quite a, quite a while.
Lion: Yes. Most of my.
Dan: Yeah. Well, I wanna circle back to some of the language that you you’ve been using around beliefs and unlocking these, you know, unlocking, um, you know, getting out of this stuckness. Um, you talked about, uh, you know, kind of reprogramming our subconscious and you keep using the word technology.
And I just wanna circle in on. What you mean by technology? Cuz most of the time when we hear that word, we think of like, uh, you know, hardware, right? Like , uh, computer, computer, uh, uh, motherboards and, and um, you know, that kind of technology, but that’s not what you’re talking about is it? I should ask. But I assume that is not what you’re talking about.
When you’re talking about technology.
Lion: yeah. I’m talking about inner technology. And so we’re, we’re reprogramming the motherboard inside the mind and we’re changing the human operating system because the human operating system are all of these beliefs and structures and patterns that we’ve accumulated since. Infancy actually, since, while still in the womb, it, this pattern identification starts.
Uh, and so we come to these conclusions and beliefs and understandings of the world and who we are and who other people are and how we’re supposed to relate to them and what we’re capable of and what we shouldn’t do. And so that ACU. becomes our human operating system. It’s the operating system at the subconscious level.
That’s running us when we’re not consciously changing it or consciously choosing it. So. Most people are caught in these patterns and they just see it as reality because our beliefs are like lenses. We look through and we see the world through them. The lenses are invisible, just like glasses or contact lenses, but the world looks a certain way.
And so when we go down to that level of consciousness to the subconscious and change the lens, it’s like changing from green to yellow sunglasses, you see a different world. And so when you see a different world, you see yourself differently, other people are different, how you relate to them or is different.
Uh, and what possibilities are out there are different. You suddenly see new possibilities that weren’t there.
Dan: I love that. And it just so rings true with my experience and, and the work, the work that I do that like, We’re so often unaware of the things that are driving us and the choices that we’re making and how we’re, like you said, like the lenses, the lenses that shape our reality. I’m curious how, as you think about, you know, you’re talking about accumulating these ideas, these beliefs throughout your life, when do those beliefs change, like without, without the work, other than the work that, that, that you do, and other folks do around intent, bringing intentional change, are there other moments in your, in your appear experience in your E.
When life events shift those.
Lion: Yes. Usually when, uh, reality hits you on the head, like a two by four, or like a bullet crossing your skull.
Dan: Yes. . Yes, that, that is my experience as well. But I wanna say, I wanted to throw that over the wall to you just to hear, to, to hear how you talk about it.
Lion: Yeah. Uh, so when something dramatic happens, it kind of wakes us up out of our sleep that we’re walking around in, and it can be losing a job or it can be the company going bankrupt, or it can be, uh, you know, an entrepreneurial venture failing, or it can be a child dying or getting sick or a partner dying.
Uh, these are the life’s life transitions that are most challenging and they provide the biggest opportunity for shifts. If you use it well, then you learn the lessons, you gain new knowledge and understanding you see the world differently. Most people just go back to their old patterns, uh, because we’re pattern based beings.
We have this, everybody uses the same analogy of the iceberg. You know, we have a little, 1% sticking above the water. That’s our conscious mind. And the rest is in the subconscious and the, and the collective unconscious mind.
Dan: Yep.
Lion: That’s where all the actions happening. Uh, what we’re doing in, in our conscious reality is we’re reacting to what’s happening instead of choosing to respond in a certain way.
So it takes, it takes both clearing out the past programs and installing better programs that works so that we’re now operating out of a different lens. That’s more open, that’s more easy that where we get to become our true self instead of some operating puppet.
Dan: I love that that is really well said and great, great analogies. Um, just for there’s a, I wanna dig into like the, the, uh, the, the method, the technology, if you will, of getting into that, but just to, to circle back to that idea of like the crisis or the, the, the. The dramatic events that, that, um, can occur.
And you, you said, you know, those can be a place where people can bring some intentionality to that space and find new beliefs and use that as a, as a springboard into change. but often people don’t for people who are listening, who might be in one of. Spaces where the, you know, maybe they just lost their job.
Maybe they’re going through a divorce, maybe, you know, whatever something’s happening in their lives. And they’re listening to this right now. What do you have to say to them about using that crisis? That’s happening unto personal transformation?
Lion: My suggestion’s always the same. Examine your beliefs. Now we have a free. Program that we give away called belief, self diagnosis in which it guides you through this process of looking at, what do you believe about yourself? What do you believe about others? What do you believe about how you should relate to others?
What do you believe about your religion? What do you believe about life? What do you believe about your work, your finances, money. So when you start digging into what you believe, you’re asking yourself the question, investigating your subconscious mind and finding out what are those programs down there.
That’s the first step. The second step is to look through that long list. Some will be positive. Some will be negative. Some will be limiting. Some will be empowering. Find the ones that are most limiting or most interfering with your life and then focus on changing them because that’s the leverage point.
That’s the, that’s the, uh, machinery underneath the surface that if you change that. Then your world will be different. There’s a lot of outside in technologies, like, you know, psychotherapy or EMDR or, you know, you name it NLP. There’s lots of them out there. They’re mostly outside in attempts to change.
But when you work with your beliefs, that’s an inside out job. When you change the inside, then the outside changes, our beliefs create our experience. So if you change your beliefs, you will change your experience.
Dan: I love that such a, such a good response. I love that idea of starting with the most limiting that that’s, that’s super powerful. And I have not, not thought of that before, like, as far as creating a hierarchy of which, which one of these to, to, you know, to address, I’m curious for, you know, someone listening.
They’re like, okay, well I have this belief that, you know, I can’t. I can’t be better than my parents or I can’t, you know, have another level of success maybe as, you know, a belief that they have. Right. Just as a, just an example to throw out there, once they’re aware of it, how do you go about changing it? It’s one thing to be aware. It’s another thing to actually do what you’re talking about.
Lion: absolutely. Uh, well, there’s many ways of changing beliefs and a lot of them are these outside in techniques. So for example, look, to see if it’s true, find evidence that it’s not true. Focus on the evidence. Tell yourself more about the evidence. This is kind of standard. Belief change technology and it works some of the time.
Uh, so it doesn’t work all the time because our beliefs are. Inset programs. They’re the patterns we rely on to survive. And so if you try an outside in technique, you may say like affirmations, for example, I, I am free to do what I will. And then what you do is you’re stimulating all your old beliefs to jump up and say, no, you’re not, you can’t do whatever you want to.
What’s wrong with you? Where, who the hell do you think you are? Right. And so. Stimulating the old beliefs to come up and reassert themselves. And this is why most people stop or fail. It’s not because of outside circumstances. It’s because of these inner responses to our choices. So we’ve gotta go in and change those beliefs.
First. And then when you apply the new belief, then it can take, it’s like building a garden, like to you. Don’t just throw seeds on Rocky weedy, ground. You first clear the rocks and the weeds. Then when you plant your seeds, then they can grow and flour and fruit and give you what you want. Well, it’s the same in the psyche.
If you try to throw new beliefs on top of old beliefs, You’re not gonna get much to grow, but if you clear out the old ones first, then when you plant the new beliefs, then they take and they actually manifest in your life.
Dan: Yeah. Well, just to take that another, you know, down another layer, how much is that something that someone can do? In their, like on themselves, in their own mind, in their own, you know, thoughts and heart and how much of that is something that you just need a professional, someone like yourself to work with and, and help them in that process.
Lion: Uh, I’m sure you’ve you and everyone listening has, has held up two mirrors against each other. Right. And you see that kind of infinite regression. It gets smaller and smaller and further and further away. Um, that’s the way the mind is. So when you try working on yourself, On your own mind with your mind, then you’re sort of using the tools that you’re trying to change to change the tools that you’re trying to use.
Dan: Yeah.
Lion: never seen that before, but it makes sense somehow.
Dan: it does make sense. I like it. It’s a great analogy. Yeah.
Lion: uh, so it really does take a coach to help you see into yourself deep enough. And, and challenge those beliefs so that they’re not running you in the process. We teach the, we teach our clients the techniques that we, they can then use themselves. Cuz there are specific things they can do to change their own beliefs, but you got kinda gotta crank the engine and get it started.
So it, it takes a little bit of training and a number of sessions and experiences. So then you go, aha, I’ve got it. Now I can clear my own beliefs. But even then you, you know, you can learn to cut your own hair. Uh, you’ll never do as good a job as a stylist. Right. But you can, you know, you can fart around with it.
Uh, but, but you wouldn’t want to do your own brain surgery. So even when you learn how to clear your own beliefs, you, you, you go find a specialist to help you with a really deep once. And there’s probably three to five major complexes of beliefs that are running your life. And for the big ones you go, you go to an expert.
Dan: I feel like this is, this is what we’re talking about, but again, I’m just wanna kind of peel back. I don’t know. It feels like peel it back. The onion, another layer here.
I know you’re talking about like going into the subconscious and like doing this work, like. Maybe you can’t, you know, uh, disclose all of the, like how it’s done, but like, like what does it look like? Like, are we talking about, you know, meditation? Are we talking about psychedelics? Are we like, what’s the scope of the technology that, that you’re referring to in the process that, that you’re alluding to?
Lion: Well, having taken over a hundred workshops, trainings, and shamonic, uh, practices. I can, I, I can endorse a lot of those things.
Dan: Yeah.
Lion: But, but I don’t use, I don’t use those things in my practice. Um, because I’ve worked with executives, I’ve be, I’ve gotta be able to take an executive through this kind of process and not have it be too or weird.
Dan: Exactly.
Lion: so so it’s a guided visualization process. And if I could give you a little sample, if you’d like,
Dan: Yeah, let’s do it. I think that would be really helpful for listen.
Lion: okay, good. So, uh, so Dan, what’s a belief that you’ve wrestled with for a long time and haven’t really cleared out. It keeps haunting.
Dan: So one, one belief that I’m currently working with cuz is like, this will be like real, real relevant is like just how. What is possible for my work with this podcast specifically, like as far as can it, how like, can it become a, the primary income source for my family? And my belief has been no, like that is, I, I just can’t do it.
And I could tell some stories about why, about, you know, products that I’ve launched that have flopped and different efforts that like, I get this slow, incremental growth, but it’s like, I’ve got three kids and a mortgage to pay and, um, I’ve got this limiting belief as much as I want this to succeed. Um, I, I, I have a hard time believing that is possible.
Lion: Okay. Good. So one of the first steps we take is we simplify the belief because the psyche is pretty simple. Right? So say the belief as simply as you can.
Dan: I don’t believe that this, that the meaning movement can be my primary income.
Lion: Okay, good. Now, if you were a child, and you had the same feeling or the same belief. How would the child say it?
Take it out of the podcast realm and put it in the life realm.
Dan: you’re in the life realm. Um, I don’t think I can do.
Lion: beautiful. Okay, good. So now we’ll simplify it even further. So try this feel what it feels like to hold the belief. I can’t do it. Say it out loud and feel
Dan: I can’t do it. The, the negative I can’t. Right. Is that what you said?
Lion: Mm mm-hmm
Dan: Yeah, I can’t do it. Like, it feels like I feel sad. Um, I can’t, it feels like, I feel like this kind of inward movement, like almost like I’m collapsing in, on myself. Um, Very much like a downward, a downward feeling, a heavy feeling.
Lion: yes. Beautiful. So feeling so our beliefs create feelings and those feelings kind of become like a, like an outfit we wear all the time, like a clothing. Carrying around with us. And because we have thousands of beliefs, sometimes those layers of clothing can get really heavy and it can depress you and it can collapse you and write that.
So, so I’m gonna invite you to close your eyes for a minute
Dan: Okay.
Lion: and feel again, feel what it feels like to hold the belief. I can’t do it.
Dan: Mm-hmm
Lion: And feel that awful feeling. And what part of the key here is to feel the bad feelings we don’t want to feel,
Dan: Yes.
Lion: because if we suppress them, we don’t get to experience them fully. So just go ahead.
Dan: and then they, yeah.
Lion: Yeah. So just go ahead and feel it fully. And now what I’d like you to do is I’d like you to remember earlier times in your life, when you felt that way, follow the feeling back in.
Dan: Mm-hmm
Lion: Earlier and earlier, like a stone skipping across water, go to incident, to incident, to incident and go back. As far as you can, to the first time you felt that way.
Dan: Yep.
Lion: And describe the earliest memory that’s coming up.
Dan: Yeah. I don’t wanna, um, go into too much detail about it, but, um, but just for, for privacy’s sake, but, um, as someone important in my life, um, called me stupid.
Lion: Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for being vulnerable, cuz this is where we have to get to. This is where the core is. Okay. So, uh, I’d like you to close your eyes again and I’m gonna take you through a different. Memory. Okay. So I’d like you to imagine that that little boy who’s someone called stupid and feel that, and I’d like you to feel your adult self, your wise, loving adult self, the one that loves your children and has a, has great intelligence and wants to help a lot of people.
And imagine walking into that scene, that’s, that’s there where that boy feels that way. What’s your instinct to do for that?
Dan: To like hug him. to like, speak words of like strength and belief
Lion: Beautiful. Beautiful. Good. So do that. I’d like you to do that in your imagination. Uh, just pick him up, take him out of that scene. Take him to a really beautiful place in nature and sit down with him and tell him the things that you would. Tell him knowing how he’s feeling. You would say things like I’m here.
I’ve got you. I’m not going away. I’m your friend, I’m your buddy. And I’m gonna tell you the truth about you. And so in, in your imagination, or if you want to out loud, tell him the truth about how beautiful he is, how intelligent he is, how successful he’s going to be in life and fill him with the confidence that he needed at that moment.
Dan: Mm, I love this. Yeah,
Lion: and notice how he’s responding. How is he responding to you?
Dan: they smiling
Lion: Mm-hmm
Dan: and like sitting up straighter
Lion: yeah,
Dan: feeling slumped down.
Lion: yeah. And tell him that he’s a learning being and that. that all of us are learning beings and that he’s gonna learn and grow and that he might not know certain things now, but he’s gonna learn later and that anything he wants to learn, he can any skill he wants to gain. He can, because all skills come with study and practice and he can study and practice anything he wants and become confident, become eventually a master that it takes time.
Step by. But every skill is grown that way. Whether you wanna learn to play the piano or build a rock wall, or, you know, a skill, you have to study it and practice it and study it more and practice it more study and practice. And that he has that capability built into his mind and built into his body and built into his soul so that he will be able to succeed at anything.
He sets his mind to.
Dan: that’s powerful. I feel, I feel, I feel a lot hearing those words and imagining myself, you know, saying that to that.
Lion: Good. And tell him that you’re going to carry him inside your heart forever. And that you’ll always be there for him. You’ll always be a voice in his ear, reminding him how great he is and how much capability he has
Dan: Mm that’s.
Lion: now ask him if he has anything to. If he does, you can share it or not, as you wish.
Dan: You have a lot of, a lot of feelings.
Lion: Yeah.
Dan: Um, that’s great. He smiled and he said, let’s go.
Lion: Right. Good. So tell him that you’ve got some adult things to do and that you’re gonna, you’re gonna send him off to play, but you’ll be back in touch and you’ll be, you’ll be there whenever he needs you. And then come back to yourself where you’re standing and talking to me, staring into a microphone. how do you
Dan: Love it. I feel great. Yeah. I feel it feels, um, I feel happy. Tender. Um, I feel like a little self aware of like, you know, I know I I’m very comfortable with my tears. I cry a lot. I know that that, but, but also I’m always like, oh wait, I, I know, I know this is your work, right? So this is probably not, this is not new space for you, but I’m like, oh wait, how, does my podcast guest feel about a, a weepy host, you know?
Um, so that that’s a piece of it too.
Lion: That’s normal. That’s normal. So, uh, so here’s, here’s, we’re gonna just do a little test to see whether this took or not, and then I’ll talk about why it did or didn’t. Um, so now I’d like you to say out loud, I can’t do it and just see what it feels like to say that.
Dan: yeah. I can’t do it. I can’t do it.
Lion: Does it have any reality?
Dan: Not really like it, like, it feels like it’s like, like. Like I was really feeling on my shoulders before and like, I, it feels like it kind of touches me and falls off.
Lion: Yeah. Cool. Cool. So that was successful then. So we’ve reprogrammed a very early memory. It’s in psychology, it’s called memory reconsolidation and, and that’s one of the techniques we use. We have 15 different techniques, but that’s one that we use. That’s very powerful for going back and reprogramming early programs. Uh, because, and we did it, experientially experience is multidimensional. And so when we use a multidimensional technique like this, it impacts the multidimensional nature of that belief, how it was showing up in all parts of you, if it’s success, and this will continue to anchor by the way for the next 48 hours or so.
So it’ll become more and more real in your experience. So, um, that’s one of many techniques we use to help our clients, uh, change their belief.
Dan: I love. Thank you for, for that. I mean, both, both personally like that, that was really powerful experience. And then also, you know, on behalf of, on behalf of listeners to like, you know, to hear, to hear and see it in action, I think really helps, um, helps understand like what, what it is we’re talking about when we’re talking about these kind of ethereal ethereal.
I don’t know if that’s the right word, just hard to grasp, right. Um, ideas. Um, and it, you know, brings it into reality. So
Lion: it’s my pleasure. And honor to do that with you, Dan, and also to offer it to the world because it it’s so powerful. It’s fast. It’s complete. The old beliefs don’t come back. Like all the other techniques, you know, you try affirmations and it doesn’t have much impact. Or you go to the psychotherapist and you’re back with the same problem the next week.
Or, you know, you do some NLP, but then you need to keep doing it. So these, this is like once and done, but we have. Tens of thousands of beliefs that many of which are interfering. So it is a process. It’s not a magic bullet that fixes everything at once, but it is a process that works that you can count on and that you can actually see and feel in yourself.
Cuz your world begins to change. You see new things, you relate to people differently. All of the results that we want actually happen because we’ve changed it from the inside.
Dan: Yeah, it’s really incredible. And I mean, I think the real power like that, that our, like, you’re literally. Making a new person. Um, you’re literally cuz our identity is, is a story that we tell ourselves about ourselves. And it’s exactly what we’re talking about here. And by re by changing that story, we’re creating a new, creating a new person, inviting a new person to emerge, I guess, in the world.
Is that how you think of it?
Lion: I do I do. In fact, uh, what we see is people become more and more themselves. It’s not, it’s not creating a new person. It’s allowing the, the real true self to come out in the world as your full gift that you are. So you’re already a great gift to the world. I’m not talking just to you, Dan, but to everybody who’s listening.
And if that true self came out as a gift to the world, the world would be a better.
Dan: Yes, totally, totally. I’ll sign off on that a hundred percent. That is absolutely absolutely true. And, and so, so well said so much better, a better, better framing to that. Letting letting that that true. True identity emerge rather than, rather than my, my language of, of making a new, making a new person, which is really, really beautiful.
How do you just to kind of zoom out just a little bit, I know we’re, we’re coming up on, on, you know, we’ve been on our time here, but, um, how do you think about. Maybe it’s a better way to say this is what words do you use to in your own, maybe to yourself or to your, you know, loved ones about your work.
When you think about whether it’s mission, whether it’s legacy, whether it’s, um, vocation, I don’t even know like really what the, the, the question is here, but I just kind wanna zoom out to like the macro level about the work that you’re doing in the word world. And how you think about the impact that you wanna.
Lion: Well, our world is in trouble. We there’s a lot of trouble. There’s not just climate change and the heat wave we’re going through right now. There’s political division. There’s war, there’s starvation. There’s it’s, it’s a messy, messy world. And my vision and mission has always been to make the world a better place.
And so I’ve looked my whole life for where is the greatest leverage? For moving this gigantic, you know, moving train, that’s heading off of a cliff. And so, you know, this is my work. This is what I do is I help people change deeply, profoundly, and quickly, and then give them the tools to help others. Change quickly, profoundly and, and permanently so that the world can shift one person at a time, one belief at a time.
And then after we deal with our personal beliefs, we then have to deal with our collective and social and cultural beliefs because they’re part of the problem too. And so when I’m teaching my course, uh, the, the clear beliefs coach training, I teach about how to clear carmic. Beliefs and cultural beliefs and religious beliefs.
And, you know, we’re up against a big battle, uh, because it’s, you know, that’s many of those beliefs that are driving us over the cliff. So we have to take social action too. It’s not just internal change. We have to collectively take action to change the world because that’s, there’s some parts of the world that will only change that.
Dan: Yes. Yes. I love that. Thank you for that. And what a, what a beautiful, beautiful vision for your work. And, and I appreciate how you, you, can you put it in the context of, of these major, major world events that are happening around us? Thank you for that. And it’s probably a good, good place for us just to move towards wrapping up line, well, it’s been so awesome having you on the show. Thank you for all of this, but for folks that want to follow along with your work and connect with you, is there anything you’d like to invite people?
Lion: Sure. Uh, we offer monthly free events on finding your beliefs on different topics. Uh, we’ve done one on money. Finance and wealth and another one on relationships. And so then you can find out about the next one and register at clear, dash events. So it’s clear, dash events.
And that will tell you when the next free event is. And it’ll also tell you when our. Three week program is, uh, where we actually delete the belief. So the, the free events are discover. And then the three week program is delete.
Dan: I love it. That’s so fantastic. And I’ll make sure to link up. In the show notes, um, as well, this has just been so fun. And again, you know, I think it goes personally meaningful to go through that exercise with you. And, uh, you know, I hope listeners you, I know I got a lot of value outta this. I know that listeners, um, listeners will as well.
So thank you so much for coming on the show lion.
Lion: You’re very welcome. Uh, let me add one more thing. And that is that for people who want to clear their beliefs, we have a coaching program. That’s clear your And for those who wanna learn these techniques, you’ll find [email protected].
Dan: Perfect. Love it. Thank you so much, lion.
Lion: Thanks, Dan. I so appreciate being on your program and getting to share this with you.